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Sunday, June 02, 2019



PLEASE HELP IDENTIFY the pictured suspect pictured at the Oasis Truck Stop, Laurel. The suspect is a black male wearing a tie-dye orange, green, and yellow shirt with black pants and do-rag. The suspect entered the victim’s unsecured GMC Yukon and removed a wallet from within. The suspect fled on foot towards Shady Acres. Shortly after the incident, he used the victim’s debit card at Lakeshore Wine and Spirits. Please contact Trooper Merritt at Delaware State Police Troop 5, Bridgeville (302) 337-1090


  1. Did he ever think of getting a job instead of taking from those who do work? Of course not. Much better this way.

  2. How can you use a debit card without the secret pin number?

  3. Wow. It was his lucky day. Of course, he "found it" and thought it was his. Pretty sure if they hang out at shady acres long enough, he'll stroll on by, with his next purchase with the stolen wallet. However, it was pretty naive of the driver leaving his/her wallet in plain view in an unsecured vehicle. The driver made it easy for the opportunist to take advantage of his/her mistake. How hard is it to push the button on the key fob when he (or she) exited the vehicle? The epitome of laziness. Maybe they left the keys in the ignition too and the perp just didn't need a ride back to the apartment; otherwise the vehicle would have been gone too. Hard to believe how careless some people are.

  4. 10:59 you can use most debit cards like a credit card and not all systems require a pin when you do.

    This is a good reminder to everyone to not leave a car unlocked at anytime and especially don't leave valuables in view.

  5. It's Chris Rock. I would swear to it.

    1. I thought eddie Murphy but what do I know?

  6. I'd never stop on that property unless I had my own truck load of BACKUP ! lol. Scary place !

  7. Using a bank card/debit card as credit doesn't require a pin # anywhere that I'm aware of. Only when you use it as a debit does it require a pin#.

  8. 1:11 We I think if this man or woman was dumb enough to leave his or her wallet on the seat and his vehicle unlocked, he probably had his pin number in magic marker on the front of the card.

  9. Eddie Murphy !!!! You got it 3:01pm !!!!! LOL

  10. So, this is what he's been doing since they stopped filming The Wire?

  11. Northwest Woodsman: If nothing else, they are very predictable. My policy is to try and avoid by ten nautical miles.

  12. Always preying on good, hard working people.


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