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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Ocean City Names New Fire Chief

OCEAN CITY — After an extensive search and interview process, resort officials announced the new chief of the Ocean City Fire Department.

Earlier this year, Ocean City Fire Chief Chris Larmore announced his retirement after nearly 11 years as chief and over three decades with the town’s fire department. Larmore’s retirement became effective at the end of March, touching off an extensive search for his replacement.

On Tuesday, the Mayor and Council announced the process has been completed with the hiring of longtime Montgomery County firefighter Richie Bowers, who has served at different times as the fire chief in Montgomery County and also in Fairfax County, Va.

Bowers had been a member of the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service for 34 years, serving in every career rank from firefighter/EMT to ultimately fire chief. Bowers also served on the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Urban Search and Rescue Maryland Task Force I team since its inception and has been on several deployments in that role including the Oklahoma City bombing and the 9-11 Pentagon terrorist attack.



  1. hopefully the finally have a chief with a spine! unlike the do nothing dc shaffer!

  2. Why do you think they call him skinny? Bowers is a yes man, fired from Fairfax, Peterson should have got it.

  3. wasnt he the chief in fairfax when the poor female firefighter commited suicide from being bullied? and did nothing to stop it?

  4. Why didn't we hire from within our own ranks.

    1. Simply put, the volunteers didn’t want that, and other than Peterson, you had Shaffer, McGee, and Theobald....... Jester chickened out. OMG not a leader, or a single bit of integrity in the bunch.

    2. Just like," why can't I marry my sister",huh.

    3. That’s easy, there was no one deserving of the job. Biggest bunch of union crybabies in the world.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Why do you think they call him skinny? Bowers is a yes man, fired from Fairfax, Peterson should have got it.

    June 12, 2019 at 3:27 PM

    Fk Peterson, the lying do nothing, inexperienced wannabe Farmin. This clown tries to impress new FFI students as if he has a lot of experience fighting fires. Um... Petey, there really aren't any fires in Ocean City.

    1. Well, obviously your lost, it’s Eric not David ie: Petey, besides we all know the smaller of the to is to busy chasing women!

  6. Anonymous said...
    hopefully the finally have a chief with a spine! unlike the do nothing dc shaffer!

    June 12, 2019 at 1:33 PM

    I was rooting for Chris so screw you!

  7. Anonymous said...
    wasnt he the chief in fairfax when the poor female firefighter commited suicide from being bullied? and did nothing to stop it?

    June 12, 2019 at 4:50 PM

    I think so...

  8. Anonymous said...
    Why didn't we hire from within our own ranks.

    June 13, 2019 at 6:29 AM

    Well let's think about this.... What do you have to choose from? Let me guess, Eric Peterson or Jay Jester? We'll pass.

  9. Eric Peterson should have stuck to Physical Therapy manipulating the bones of old grandma's. I wish he would leave the Ocean City Fire Department.

  10. These clowns are hiring someone based on an "impressive" resume. Dumb A$$es!

  11. The process was horrible! Two different interview panels, two sets of questions. Doug Miller staged the circus to appease the Volunteers and later be able to shift the blame when Bowers doesn’t work out. As always, screw the hardest working senior employees. Although I agree DC Shaffer has never done anything positive for the Department or anyone but himself.

    1. Process, love where the City Manager and “budget manager “ conducted the final interview. The only interview the budget manager knows anything about is the risk manager, which happens behind her closed door. Entire structure s disgusting, and the poor folks in the FD paid this time.

    2. Be quiet, that’s our little City Hall secret, these two have been love birds forever. It’s quite the sexual romance most of us dream about.

    3. Ouch, if s certain queen didn’t prance around City Hall like the assistant City Manager these TRUTHS wouldn’t be discussed. You live by the sword........

  12. A lot of truth being shared here! I’ll give Bowers 6 months, more if he gets comfy sucking off the crazy salary OC pays, then it will be Assist Chief Peterson all the way! Jester will be the Volunteer Chief by then, with Moe “do nothing like daddy “ long gone. I’ll take bets!

  13. No one will take that bet, it’s a sure thing. Munchkin Moe didn’t get his boy Riley, been pouting ever since. The OCVFC is toast, there’s the Jester and crew just hanging on for their hefty paychecks. Tick tock.

  14. I thought when the new Chief got announced the uncertainty issues would pass, and things get better. Nope, the same complaining and daily criticism continues on. Salisbury Firefighters are positive compared to this bunch.

  15. A certain Volunteer Chief is quoted as saying “we’ve got this clown right where we want him “. Well hold on, this is gonna be an interesting ride when Chief Bowers sees the truth. Bunch of little boys riding around on someone else’s dime, without a clue.

  16. Wow! So much for the so called brotherhood. More like wanna be and look at me.
    All you "Heros" can get drunk and chase someones wife this week down to O.C.

  17. There is no brotherhood in the OCFD, it’s who can screw who first, and when’s their next pay raise. I resigned last year, I’ve never seen so many crybabies and wanna be firefighters.

    1. There’s no brotherhood in any fire department anymore. Why, because there’s no fire to fight. We didn’t sign up to ride in the back of a gut bucket hauling drunks and old farts to the hospital. That would depress anyone. And no, we don’t make nearly enough money to be spat, puked, and shat on thank you!

    2. Boy that’s the truth!


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