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Sunday, June 02, 2019


“Growing up I was always trying to figure out what man I wanted to become and I’m still trying to find out what kind of man I want to become,” Brown says as the ad begins.

The ad shows Brown in front of a sink attempting to shave for the first time as his father coaches him through it.

“Now, don’t be scared, don’t be scared. Shaving is about being confident,” Brown’s father advises.

“I’m at the point in my manhood where I’m actually happy. It’s not just myself transitioning, it’s everybody around me transitioning,” Brown explains as the ad comes to a close.



  1. Has this company totally lost it's f-ing marbles? Definantly people working over there are more concerned with virtue signaling than making money. Actually nobody cares about these ads. No need to boycott, just let this stupidity play itself out.

  2. yes its true...the sicko luciferians shave too


  3. Good bye Gillette when this nonsense first surfaced.

    Good bye all things Proctor & Gamble since they are persisting.

  4. Typical toxic masculinity. Why can’t a women teacher her daughter that think she is a male to shave?

  5. They don't give a shit about anything except trying to sell product. Appearing to take the high road shows they are all about money. I stopped buying at first wiff of them telling me who I need to be. They are corporate scum, who scoff at us consumers. We all can make them suffer!

  6. Take the high road and use an electric shaver.

  7. P&G has a history of satanic involvement. Do not buy their products.

  8. So is this a boy trying to be a girl or a girl trying to be a boy. I'm so confused these days.

  9. Transgender?? WTF is this even allowed in mainstream media and society? This isn't normal behavior and quite frankly if it were me or a family member I wouldn't want to publicly display such sick behavior

  10. Just reaffirms my previous decision to never buy their product again...I called Gillette when the first idiotic toxic man ads came out--told them they should not let people sporting man buns and wearing vagina hats control their marketing.

  11. Stopped buying their products over a year ago.
    Political correctness has destroyed what was once a great business and corporation.

  12. !2:39, so am I.

    Buy barbasol, works great, no politics.

    Mailing back my unused gillette shaving cream.

    Mr bob

  13. Maybe they should have shown him teaching his 'shim' how to shave his LEGS!

  14. Why repeat this delusion in the headline? "Insane father teaches confused daughter to shave" would be more accurate.

  15. I don't understand why any company would promote anything that's controversial, that just doesn't sound like good business to me. Where the hell are the boards of directors, asleep or just stupid?

  16. Has anyone noticed more and more gay couples in ads or mixed couples? Seems many companies are bowing to pressures in how to use advertising $$$ from LGBTQ and NAACP. Also notice how all people in the ads are slim and trim? Is this mainstream America?

    1. So true, they never feature ugly people in comercials either, so weird...

    2. Yes, mixed race, same sex, blacks, asians, latinos etc.

  17. Solutions....Harry's razors

    Cheap and well made - not like the overpriced crap out there - hit them in the pocket book and see how their thinking changes

  18. They want to sell razors in America they should have the Ducky Dynasty guys shave their beards or Honey BooBoo shave her legs.

  19. Starbucks, Target, Procter & Gamble (Gillette) have all taken a financial hit due to their disgusting and immoral policies. They all would rather eat their own children than admit they are wrong about anything! Let them proceed with this campaign. The boycott will not only continue, it will increase!


  21. I don't have to TRANSITION to anything TRANSGENDER! That is your way of thinking, not mine! Stop shoving it down my throat! I don't care who you are or who you want to be, that is your issue not mine!

  22. They have a right to advertise to whoever they want. The ad wasn't to me. If that's who their target market is, then the product is not for me. I think I'll keep buying BIC products. Cheaper and just as good. Denial of biology and birth gender is a mental disorder, not a preference, or a right to be identified by their mental illness. Gillette might have scored points with the Millenials, but not with the rest of their market demographic. Maybe its just me, but I think they should stick to selling to men, real men, biological men. As to the Millenials, go for it kids. You, and your offspring will pay for all your mistakes someday. Fortunately, I won't be here to see it.

    1. Pedos are next then is that also ok ?

  23. God did not make him the way he is.
    Unbelief and it's consequences can be found in Romans 2:24 through 32 24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. 
    25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen 
    For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function, for that which is unnatural.
    27 and in the same way also the man abandoned the natural function of the women and burned in desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
    28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,
    29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 
    30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent,arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
    31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;
    32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. 

    I think this pretty much sums up what is happening in our morally depraved world today. And yes, I sin daily, but I am a sinner saved by grace.



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