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Monday, June 10, 2019

Michael Bloomberg Pledges $500 Million To Close All US Coal-Fired Power Plants By 2030

WASHINGTON — Former New York City Mayor and billionaire Michael Bloomberg is plunging $500 million into an effort to close all of the nation's remaining coal plants by 2030 and put the United States on track toward a 100% clean energy economy.

Bloomberg's investment in the Beyond Carbon initiative marks the largest ever philanthropic effort to combat climate change, according to the mayor's foundation. The organization will bypass the federal government and instead seek to pass climate and clean energy policies, as well as back political candidates, at state and local levels.

"We're in a race against time with climate change, and yet there is virtually no hope of bold federal action on this issue for at least another two years. Mother Nature is not waiting on our political calendar, and neither can we," Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg considered but ultimately passed on seeking the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. Instead, he vowed to point his vast wealth and political connections toward fighting climate change and defeating President Donald Trump.



  1. f in idiot


  2. Yes nuclear.
    It’s waste is totally safe.
    For ever.

  3. How about SRM?
    Solar Radiation Management

    Perfect solution

    Spray nanoparticulates into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight out into space. Create a white sky instead of blue. It will work!

    1. 6:16 Apparently you have no idea how huge the earth's atmosphere is. Maybe cooling the oceans with ice cubes would work also.

  4. Is anyone going to pledge money to retrain the coal miners? Is anyone going to replace the lost business and jobs that are attached to the loss of coal mining jobs? In WV, when the mines close, it destroys the counties. Politicians talk, but never solve problems.

  5. How much is he pledging for India and China?

  6. Race against time my @ss global freezing 1970s Global warming 1980s & 90s now climate change really. Come on people what's the next thing you're going to follow. There are ferns fossils in Alaska and things use to be warmer than now and they say the great ice age froze everything at one time. I say if I want to get elected start something and they will follow hum. You will not change or alter the course of the world no matter what you think.

  7. Mr. Bloomberg...are you also going to offer China $500 Million to clean up their air?

  8. Ha! Wathch this money get corrupted and go nowhere.

  9. I’m with 6:16
    Read about it years ago
    Patents already exist
    Somebody will make a fortune

  10. Patent exist already ??

  11. That statement should cause him to look over his shoulders all the time.


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