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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Maxine Waters Let Obama's Cat Out of the Bag in 2013

When assembling a cabal, prudence dictates that one choose the participants with an eye toward circumspection. After all, a loudmouth is not the best repository for your darkest secrets.

President Barack Obama may be about to learn that lesson the hard way.

In 2010, following the roughshod passage of Obamacare, the American people during the midterm elections unambiguously expressed their disgust with high-handed government edicts. A furious populace handed a solid House majority to Republican leadership, who promptly squandered the opportunity, never missing a chance to stand down, pledging unconvincingly to "fight on the next one."

Epithets swirled like leaves in a dust devil. Spinelessness was given a new and deeper meaning, and dissatisfaction with the "establishment" went from an undercurrent to a raging flood.


1 comment:

  1. Based on her comments and the very strong suggestion that Obama was or is collecting data illegally on American people an investigation under oath with Waters and Obama should be conducted.


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