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Sunday, June 16, 2019

House to Hold Hearing on Slavery Reparations

A House Judiciary subcommittee will hold hearings on reparations next Wednesday, marking the first time in more than a decade that the House will discuss potentially compensating the descendants of slaves.

“The Case for Reparations” author Ta-Nehisi Coates and actor Danny Glover are reportedly set to testify before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and the hearing’s stated purpose will be “to examine, through open and constructive discourse, the legacy of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, its continuing impact on the community and the path to restorative justice,” according to a Thursday Associated Press report.

The June 19 hearing also “coincides with Juneteenth, a cultural holiday commemorating the emancipation of enslaved blacks in America.”



  1. Hollywood actor worth 40 million to testify about how hard it was to survive... Congress is a clown show of actors performing for lobbyists to in rich themselves on various casting couches.

  2. I'd rather shoot and kill people in a civil war than pay a single cent. True one is easier, but life isn't about easy choices. A step further, I'd rather be dead than pay a dime for slavery. If they try and pay this I urge every Caucasian in the United States to quit your job and get on welfare.

  3. This is all about votes.

  4. Idiots. All of them
    While folks are going through the same thing now just in a different way. Taking what we earn and give it other folks of color. WTF

  5. Just meaningless chatter people. They keep throwing this garbage in our faces just to create turmoil

  6. It is not about votes.

    The elites (who’s ancestors purchased and transported the slaves) don’t need votes. They have electronic voting machines that don’t produce receipts and cannot be audited.

    It is about stirring the pot of hostilities among the goyim (we are all slaves to them - they print the money and call it debt). The elites want the population to fight with each other: blacks vs whites, transsexuals vs normal people, rich vs poor.

    The elites are building the largest most effective police state to ever exist.

  7. Slavery has been around since the beginning of time! Do people really believe that the Pyramids were built by Aliens???

  8. Let DemocRATs take 10% of there CK for 5 yrs since they love the idea.

  9. Does this mean I get money for all the discrimination I have had to endure because of "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION"? There is no difference in these idiots explanation? Hired, promoted, change of scores and special assignments only as a last resort or if any positions were left after "AFFIRMATIVE ACTION" was fulfilled. This is still happening today. Called DISCRIMINATION against WHITE MALES.

  10. What about people who didn't own slaves, how about the people who had ancestors die to fight for slaves to be freed? Do we get any money?

  11. More bs to get the idiot socialist commie vote.

  12. Oh here we go. What about the thousands of white children spirited away from their families Britian, Ireland & Scotland. The information exist in the Washington Archives. This did happen,oh that's right that was before the African Slave trade, now what cha gonna
    do pay them first.

  13. I'am white but i'am going to identify as black for the payments.

  14. Look who benefits from the paranoia propaganda. Big pharma and mental health services. It's all about the money and your representatives are nothing but lying thieves in the take. Government is the biggest group of thieves going. They literally extort 40% of your earnings and there's not a damn thing we can do about it and your representatives are getting their cut

  15. How can they prove they are decedents of slaves when they don't have enough proof to get a photo ID?

  16. A perfect way for Soros to get the destruction of America he hates,start a civil war.

  17. Only wealthy elites in their gated communities are pandering this nonsense to blacks for their votes.

  18. EVERY nationality has had hardships. Why is it the blacks (who get everything now) are the ONLY ones living in the past??

  19. The blacks will all say "oh, we gotta vote for him cause he gonna give us free shit". Just like Obama had them thinking he was going to refurnish their house and buy them new appliances.

  20. I will think about paying reparations when you prove one of my ancestors owned one of your ancestors!

  21. Lets have a Hearing on WHITE Reparations instead !!!!

    Affirmative Action (Reverse Discrimination ) !!!!

  22. How about Taxpayer Reparations too for ALL the $$$$

    the damn Demon-crats just waisted on Witch Hunts !!!!

    Put that 30 + million in our Tax Refunds from the Dem's $$

  23. Make the Dems pay for all the Witch Hunts they created !!!

    Then, they will STOP , since it will not be Taxpayer $$$


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