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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

House Dems move to give lawmakers a pay increase

House Democrats will move forward with legislation to give members of Congress their first pay bump in a decade.

The House is expected to vote next week on a $1 trillion spending package that includes funding for annual legislative branch operations. That measure does not include language in effect since 2010 that prevented members of Congress from receiving an annual cost-of-living salary increase.

The House Appropriations Committee also unveiled an annual spending bill this week for financial services, executive branch and general government operations that similarly does not include the language to block a cost-of-living increase.

“An automatic cost of living adjustment for members of Congress is already included in federal law. There is strong bipartisan support for these modest inflation adjustments, and the Appropriations Committee is not including a provision to block the [cost-of-living adjustment] in fiscal year 2020 appropriations bills," House Appropriations Committee spokesman Evan Hollander said.



  1. NO! Absolutely not! When they start doing what the majority of their constituents want, not what they want, and start taking care of the peoples business, then maybe. But when you get a job in Congress and come out a millionaire for doing so little work, you don't need a pay raise EVER!!

    1. Agreed! Screw their pay raise, you HAVE to work to get a raise!

  2. Stop paying taxes. Period

  3. Pay increase for what? They are not serving anyone!!!

  4. For not doing a Damn thing. Isn't AMERICA GREAT.

  5. Concerned RetireeJune 5, 2019 at 5:14 PM

    These crooks do not need a pay raise. They are all ready millionaires at the expense of the Tax Payers for doing nothing and only working approx. 6 months out of the year and travel around the world on the Tax Payer expense. Diffidently HELL NO. If passed this money should go to seniors on SSI. I mean Social Security Insurance fund for pay raise for seniors. I don't mean Supplemental Security Insurance that go to welfare recipients.


  6. DC is an expensive place to rent or own. That's a given. But each Senator and Representative knew the pay rate when they filed for election. So I say No Way, even though costs have risen since the last pay increase.

    Once Congress has passed and adhered to a balanced budget, I'm definitely open to giving them a bump.

    They need some serious skin in the swamp game. Bump their pay to $200K (a lot to you and me). But they lose 1% for every percent of budget deficit; if Uncle Sam is running a 20% deficit so are congresscritters. OTOH, with a balanced budget and a 10% yearly reduction in the debt, let Congress split a $535M bonus pool each year($1M per), provided they voted for the balanced budget. No votes or abstentions don't participate in the bonus pool;their shares are reallocated.

    And all government expenditures, each and every one, are part of the calculation. Just as you and I would do in managing our homes and lives.

    Just a thought.


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