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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Hong Kong Nearly Doubles Anti-China Protest Size to 2 Million, Largest in History

The Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF), the group organizing protests against a proposed extradition law in Hong Kong, announced that nearly 2 million people attended protests on Sunday, the largest recorded assembly in the history of Hong Kong, according to the Hong Kong Free Press (HKFP).

The figure is even more impressive given that the protest occurred after Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam issued a formal government apology, through a statement from the government written in the third person, and assured those concerned in Hong Kong that the legislature would table the extradition bill.

Sunday’s protesters rejected the apology and demanded Lam’s resignation and an irreversible end to the extradition bill.

The CHRF called Lam’s apology a “total insult” and vowed to continue protesting until the legislature dismisses the bill entirely. Tabling the bill makes it possible for the legislature to pick it up and pass it again at any time, a concern many protesters expressed.



  1. Seismologists in nearby Japan are saying the gathering is responsible for this mornings earthquake.

  2. What is really impressive in this was no real fights or property damage.

  3. The communists of mainland China will never allow Hong Kong total independence. The upstarts will be put down hard.

  4. If the government tries to take away our firearms, we will make this look like a block party.

  5. @ June 19, at 10:24 AM. Because they are more civilized than you know who.


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