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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Gay Pride. Let's Talk About It!


  1. Absolutely ridiculous and the LGBT community is dumb enough to allow politicians to use them as a pawn! It's turned into a traveling sideshow reminiscent of decades ago!!

  2. Talk about it? I'd rather not, thank you.

  3. 2:38 It's LGBTQF thank you.

    1. @7:54 that's the best you can come up with? Thank you for proving a point. It's a freak show and nobody really cares and your culture is being used to gain a vote, PERIOD. Call yourselves gay, queer, lesbian, transgender, whatever ridiculous title you can come up with tomorrow. To me you're just a confused individual that is seeking attention and acceptance by any means necessary. The majority of the "participants" usually take their own lives by the age of 40 so good luck with the remainder of your time because the time you spend after that will be more torture than you experienced here on earth. TICK TOCK TICK TOCK

  4. The assertion that gays are not ostracized and marginalized and brutalized is bollocks. Find any school in any town and if there is a boy that is effeminate in the least (doesn't matter if he's actually gay) that boy is now a target, will get picked on and bullied and likely beat up and labeled "faggot".

    For almost all of U.S. history their lifestyle has been viewed and treated as shameful and wrong, sometime illegal. To be themselves, and to love the way they wanted, they had to hide in the shadows. Not being able to find employment unless they hid themselves, not being able to be in society unless they hid themselves.

    To pretend that gays have not been the victims of injustices for a very long time is will fully ignoring the facts. They have much to be proud of, as do all of America, in how far their group has come, and how we are all integrating into a better society. Yes, there is a reason for gay pride, and for a time to celebrate it.

    You may have religious reasons for not being gay, and that's o.k. The bible, however, doesn't instruct you to treat gays horribly, nor to act against them in any way. If fact, doesn't it teach you otherwise?

    1. 8:08 Yes the gay kid probably got picked on in school but so did the fat kid, the ugly kid, the kids wearing glasses, etc. You get where I’m going? Everyone has been picked on at one time or another. It’s how you deal with it that counts.

    2. 8:08 say "you may have religious reasons for not being gay" Really, WTF is going on here

  5. Looking back on the sixties, most of the boys with gay tendencies committed suicide before they graduated high school. That was the case in the small town that I grew up in. We didn't even know what "Gay" was, we just knew they were different. They never "came out" back then. or tried to practice their sexual feelings towards their male classmates. They just killed themselves rather than live with it.

  6. No thank you. Why would anyone be "proud" of being gay or hetero for that matter? Regardless, whatever anyone might be, I don't want or need, to know about it in any case. Why anyone would need a reason to let the world know which side of the plate they swing from is beyond me.

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    2:38 It's LGBTQF thank you.

    June 11, 2019 at 7:54 AM

    WTF even cares, except for a few like you.

  8. Very good video! I am in agreement with him totally. He said it all including being kind to one another as human beings.

  9. Victim Olympics! I like that term.

  10. deny deny deny thats the left arguent to THIS BIG LIE...

    God did not make him the way he is. Unbelief and it's consequences can be found in Romans 2:24 through 32
    24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, that their bodies might be dishonored among them. 
    25 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen 
    For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function, for that which is unnatural.
    27 and in the same way also the man abandoned the natural function of the women and burned in desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
    28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper,
    29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 
    30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent,arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents,
    31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful;
    32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. 
    I think this pretty much sums up what is happening in our morally depraved world today.

  11. @ June 11, 2019 at 10:42 AM

    Actually, God *DID* make them that way.

    If you argue your God does not have free will, then may be you would be correct. However, I'm sure that you think your God does have free will. If that is the case, your God could have chosen to create any manner or type of universe. He could have chosen a universe where homosexuality was not found in humans (or news flash! many other animal species!).

    But here we are. If your God exists, this is the universe that was chosen. So yes. Your God, if exists, DID make everything as it is. If you tack on omniscience to the list of properties your deity has, then now you REALLY have a problem.

    The bigger picture is really that I don't accept your claims of said deity or holy book. Not a shred of credible evidence exists for said claims... so you will really need to try again, this time with actual valid arguments.

    We live in the greatest time in human history ever... more bellies fed, more roofs over more heads... technological advances that are making life so much better.. .the world is so much more interconnected... nay... your claim that the world is "morally depraved" just doesn't hold up. Barriers are coming down every day, as the old superstitions are sloughed off, the world moves on.

  12. 10:58
    God gives YOU free will. If you go against his teaching that is on you.

    1. 10:58 How very typical of you. You don’t accept 10:42’s God but you EXPECT 10:42 to accept gays. That’s not how things work.

  13. @ June 11, 2019 at 11:07 AM

    The illusion of free will. All actions have been predetermined. Your deity could have chosen any universe to create, and this is the one he chose. As no individual can change the outcome of this predetermined universe, your free will is an illusion, you could never change what is been chosen to happen.

    Unless of course, you argue that your God does not have free will. Then, your point would be valid.

  14. Why would anyone(unless their suffering some sort of mental shortcomings) feel the need to celebrate their sexual preferences whether you're gay or heterosexual? Nobody cares and to parade around publicly seeking acceptance and attention just proves the point that you need some sort of mental health treatments

    1. 1:16 Hit the nail square on the head

  15. @ June 11, 2019 at 2:03 PM

    Oh this is really easy.

    Homosexuals exist. Not only in Homo-sapiens, but in many animal species. There is no "accepting" what is a fact. They exist, and dehumanizing and marginalizing them is abhorrent and morally objectionable. There is no "accepting" gays, there is only NOT treating them as anything else other than equal. To say otherwise you must demonstrate there is a reason otherwise, and as far as I can tell, no one has ever done that.

    Deities, all of them, have never been demonstrated, ever. Not a shred of credible evidence for ANY of them, ever. The time to "accept" something as true is when it has been demonstrated to be so. As theists have yet to meet their burden of proof, any and all of them for any and all deities, no one should "accept" their claims.

    Super simple, and easy to understand.

    1. 3:13 Being gay is a mental disorder. So no gays don’t exist in reality. There is no such thing as being gay...it’s just being confused mentally. super simple to understand🤷‍♀️

  16. Sin is sin and you must repent.

  17. @ June 11, 2019 at 7:30 PM

    "Sin" doesn't exist. Humans as a species evolved to work together, it benefits our own self interest to be good to one another, and ensures our survival.

    What must we repent from and for what and why? This makes no sense. A deity created you broken and you have to grovel at his feet for his poor craftsmanship? Absurd. You offend someone else, yet you ask forgiveness from your deity instead of the one you actually harmed? What a perverse system.

    How about this? Live and let live.

    1. 4:33 You see that’s the problem. It’s hard to live and let live when it’s shoved in your face. All I hear is gays should be included. But when you have a gay parade and gay pride month isn’t that exclusive to just gays?

    2. My God is perverse but a man sticking another mans dick in his mouth isn’t perverse. Wow just wow! You sir are a great example of what’s wrong with this world.

  18. @ June 12, 2019 at 3:50 PM

    What consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is their business, not yours.

    Heterosexuals engage in the activity you so graphically described... please defend your assertion that it is "perverse" when homosexuals do it. Can you even begin to defend that assertion without pointing to a religious objection?

    @ June 12, 2019 at 3:32 PM

    Wow, so homosexuality found in other species in the animal kingdom would also be a mental disorder? Can you demonstrate that with a credible peer reviewed scientific consensus points to homosexuality as a mental disorder? Or is that just some wild unfounded assertion that you are making because you are uncomfortable with being wrong? It's OK to be wrong, admit it and move on... that's how we grow and become better.

    Even if I granted your position, which I don't, to say that they don't exist because the have a mental disorder is still acknowledging that they exist. You REALLY need to revisit this one, it makes no sense.

    @ June 12, 2019 at 3:35 PM

    I can understand, gays have been made to hide and stay shameful and live on the fringes. You haven't had to see them, or feel uncomfortable because they are here. Gays don't want special rights, they want equal rights. They don't want special access, they want equal access. Now that they aren't hidden it seems like it's in your face.

    The parade and "pride" I think is more reactionary to how they have been marginalized and ostracized for so long. It's them taking it back, as it were... not hiding and being out and open.

    Think on this, no one is asking "why does there HAVE to be a Little Italy" or "why does there HAVE to be a Chinatown"... hopefully no one will care about being gay.

    1. Guys certainly do want special rights and special access, and them they want to flaunt it

    2. Gays certainly do want special rights and special access, and them they want to flaunt it

  19. What f'ing idiot came up with or has proof of homosexuality in other species besides human beings?? Wtf is wrong with you people

  20. How about this? Live and let live.

    June 12, 2019 at 4:33 AM;

    Tell that to a fanatical Muslim, of a member of ISIS. You have no educated idea of history, or how we got to where we are. Oh yeah, sin exists, and you are proof. Without the morality that comes from a belief in God, your life has no meaning and no goodness in it. You have no guide for what is right, or wrong. You are rudderless, and are totally unqualified to tell anyone how to live.


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