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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

FNC’s Pirro Says Trump Won’t Be Impeached, Highlights Democrat Double Standard on Foreign ‘Dirt’

On Saturday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” host Jeanine Pirro opened her show by sounding off on Democrat reaction to President Donald Trump’s comments to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos acknowledging he would consider “dirt” from foreigners on political opponents before notifying the FBI.

Pirro downplayed the relevance of Trump’s remarks and declared impeachment was not a possibility at this point.

“This week’s orchestrated outrage by the Democrats against Donald Trump is one of hundreds we’ve seen in the last two-and-a-half years, and it amounts to nothing,” Pirro said. “It’s never about reality, but simply the fact that they hate him. They accuse him of committing crimes over and over where there are none. Donald Trump is transparent, unlike other politicians. That’s why he was elected. That’s why people love him. Now, the left wants you to believe that they would never do what Donald Trump suggested he might. He’s not going to be impeached. I’m here to tell you that the bottom line is they hate him. They hate his style. And I’m here to tell you that his legacy will be decided at the polls and not in Congress or in the courts.



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