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Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Nearly 25% Of Americans Are Using Debt To Pay For Necessities Like Food

Even though we are told the economy is doing great, all the evidence shows that main street Americans are struggling more and more every day. A recent report claimed that the costs of goods have risen to the point that 25% must use debt to pay for necessities, such as food.

According to a new Experian report that came out last week, Americans have an average of $6,506 in credit card debt. But some expenses are weighing much more heavily on the credit cards of the average American…

Necessities, like food and rent, are being put on credit cards. A full 23% of Americans say that paying for basic necessities such as rent, utilities, and food contributes the most to their credit card debt, according to a new survey of approximately 2,200 U.S. adults that CNBC Make It performed in conjunction with Morning Consult. Another 12% say medical bills are the biggest portion of their debt. Medical bills additionally likely contribute to the purchases of food on a credit card.

This news isn’t shocking unless you believe the mainstream media’s glorification of the false “recovery” we’ve experienced since the Great Recession of a decade ago. American households have taken on historic levels of debt, which will crush them in the next economic downturn.



  1. Bullcrap. Typical libtard trash. Trump is making us great again. Keep going. Coal, manufacturing, less regulating and less PR crap. White Americans have been on the decline for YEARS due to the prior administration. Husein Obama... Now we're strong again and fake news lies...

    1. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and spouting your one-liners, good luck with that. What is so great about coal Manufacturing? Besides the obvious black lung that is, Alternative Energy would employ so many more people than a coal plant plant could, not to mention better for the environment. Why are you so against it? Why are you so against progress? I'm assuming you're pretty elderly, that's the case I can't wait for your generation to fade away into the distance, don't worry, we'll fix your problems like we always have

    2. 9:45 Your electric car produces more carbon before is sold new at the dealership than any gasoline driven car in it's lifetime. In the life of your so called green energy vehicle it will produce more carbon than a Ford 6.7 deisel without emissions in its lifetime. You need to know the solar panels and batteries have to be manufactured before they can be used. It also takes a 13,000kw electric main for each wind power turbine to work that is 13,000kw going into not coming out of to supply energy to function. Then you have maintenance on this beast which cost in most cases more than the savings of the turbine. I know because I make a great living at it the only problem is people are to lazy to do the hard work to maintain them so there goes your job theory. I understand your want for progress, the grass Maybe greener on the other side but it still needs to be mowed.

  2. Coal,Manufacturing and yes I am afraid White Americans are soon to be a thing of the past on this continent. You can drink the Kool Aid where your hats and wave the flag but there is a new order upon us and it has little to do with the past.

  3. People are paying bills with credit cards BECAUSE WE GET A DISCOUNT or gifts or fly miles. Cash is no longer king.

  4. 9:45, how old are to say that you will fix my mistakes like you always have? then to say the elderly have lost their mind is a big mistake. we have been there we have done it but unlike you we have learned from it. (map)

  5. Anonymous said...
    Coal,Manufacturing and yes I am afraid White Americans are soon to be a thing of the past on this continent. You can drink the Kool Aid where your hats and wave the flag but there is a new order upon us and it has little to do with the past.

    June 4, 2019 at 8:35 PM

    You are correct, and until white Americans start standing up for themselves then you can kiss your asses goodbye. Quit pissing and moaning on here anonymously and start standing up for yourselves.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and spouting your one-liners, good luck with that. What is so great about coal Manufacturing? Besides the obvious black lung that is, Alternative Energy would employ so many more people than a coal plant plant could, not to mention better for the environment. Why are you so against it? Why are you so against progress? I'm assuming you're pretty elderly, that's the case I can't wait for your generation to fade away into the distance, don't worry, we'll fix your problems like we always have

    June 4, 2019 at 9:45 PM

    Aww... Look Dad, a Snowflake stealing our terminology like "drinking the Kool-aid." They are too stupid to come up with their own phrases so they have to take ours. What a bunch of illiterate progressives. No wonder this country is turning into a 3rd world shithole like the Dominican Republic.

  7. But you people love being slaves and paying higher and higher taxes.. Especially you clowns in Berlin where you just let yourself get f'ed in the butt with your new 30% land tax increase along with your sewer and water rate increases why??? SO the mayor or council can fill a rainy day fund to full in one year instead of a few years???? Then what, now what??? You all threaten to move which you won't but what if some do, your taxes will still raise becasue they will need to offset the taxes that left due to raising taxes, do you clowns get it now see how it works now???? You won't get lower taxes and they will never go down only up... And MARK MY WORDS< RIGHT HERE AND NOW, they will raise taxes on you again next year with some other bull shit excuse and you will bend over and keep thinking it until you literally can't afford to live, then what???? It will be to late for you... But as long as it is for the kids right???

  8. June 5, 2019 at 8:35 AM


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