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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Wants Reparations For Same-Sex Couples

Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has added “gay and lesbian couples” to the growing list of groups for whom she would support reparations.

Citing a tax code that was “discriminatory” against non-heterosexual married couples, Warren tweeted Saturday, “It wasn’t until marriage equality became law that gay & lesbian couples could jointly file tax returns—so they paid more in taxes. Our government owes them more than $50M for the years our discriminatory tax code left them out. We must right these wrongs.”

Warren’s Refund Equality Act, introduced June 20, would retroactively apply “married-filing jointly” status — along with refunding the amount overpaid — to same sex couples who were married in states where such unions were recognized prior to the federal government doing so in 2013.



  1. WOW! This is really getting nuts. With Bernie going after over 1 Trillion college loan forgiveness and free college and Warren following suit with a similar plan and now this...they are mapping out their plan to bankrupt the country. Add the "new green deal" and reparations...what's next? Folks, I don't care what anyone says and I agree Trump can be a jackass at times but he is trying to get things done and seeking ways to find prosperity through productivity. He is going to bring Iran and North Korea to their knees with sanctions and China will fold and agree to a deal. As for others, Kamala is a bobble head agreeing with whatever sounds good to concstituents, Booker is hung up on the Black thing, and Biden is wondering wha happened. Pretty clear, Trump is the only logical answer.

  2. This is getting comical, at this point. There are so many Democratic candidates that they are stepping on each other trying to out-liberal each other. The sad part is that this constant 'drone' of weird ideas will begin to be thought of in a few years as main stream. That is the new democratic party - repeat things loud enough and long enough so that they become the 'truth'. This was perfected by Hilary Clinton.

  3. This whacko nut job needs to put a zipper on that lip of hers. Damn she's nuts!!

  4. These idiots are killing themselves with voters. The gay population is so small, like 2or3% I think. And she is talking this bull$hit. Probably most of them want her to shut up about it. Unbelievable how clueless and desperate they are.

  5. My family is of Irish descent. I think we are due reparation for the way my great grandparents were treated and discriminated against when they came here. While we're at it lets not forget the orientals that helped build the railroads in the west. 50 million for them and 50 million for the Irish would be a good start at securing a couple thousand votes for this idiot.

  6. Just who will be next, sex offenders?

  7. Just let them all keep talking, it is like a high school election for class president

  8. Don't worry guys. Trump is going to clean up all this crap...

  9. Identity politics: pandering to a certain class by making them feel oppressed.

  10. This is NUTS lol.

  11. Desperation just like Bernie wanting to Wipeout all college theses where ADULTS that signed on the dotted line not "KIDS".WHATS NEXT FREE HOMES ? OOPS

  12. Since I am divorced and choose not to re-enter into matrimony I pay taxes as single. I think this should change and I should be given reparations since my divorce. Why should I be punished for choosing to remain single? Makes as much sense as her proposal. And for those who don't get it, I am kidding (sort of).

  13. I would love to see no network cover her,but of course that won't happen.

  14. This bi#ch is crazy. The dems sucks. The repubs sucks. The presi and he's cronies sucks. The entire U. S. government sucks. They all just talk, talk, talk and do nothing. They all say what they are going to do but never say how and how much it's going to cost the average middle-class, the poor, the elders or the veterans. They just make me sick.

  15. @7:56. Nope, your family isn't due a dime. But then nor is anyone else.

  16. She opens her mouth and goofy comes out.


  17. Next LoonyLiz will want reparations for descendants of Gay Cherokees who didn't get together and didn't have offspring because of the patriarchy (and yes I realize the fallacy inherent in this).

    The entire warped chorus of Dim candidates needs to be sent home. They should start over with new prospects. Or is OweMally hiding behind the curtains?


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