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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Did Your Child Return From College a Better Person?

When assessing America's or any of the Western world's universities -- wondering whether you should send your child to one; whether you should pay for a child to attend one; whether you should go into great debt to attend one; whether you should donate money to one; and related questions -- it would seem that the single most important question to be answered is: What type of person does the university produce?

It is hard to imagine any parent -- left, right, liberal, conservative or apolitical -- who would disagree with asking this question. They would disagree about what constituted a desirable outcome -- obviously left-wing parents would want their child's college to send home a child with left-wing views, and a parent on the right would not be happy if their child returned home with left-wing views -- but every parent would agree that the question, "What type of person did college produce?" is an important one.

My belief is that most of the time, colleges today produce a worse human being or, at the very least, a person who is no better, wiser or more mature than when he or she graduated high school.

Let's begin with behavioral issues.



  1. In my case, I was the child and I felt that I rejoined society as a proud to have achieved my education without being suckered into a Government loan.

  2. Nope, got her brains sucked out and is now a Friggin Liberal Idiot. SU teachers are ruining our kids.

    1. Parents keep your kids out of college, they are full of liberal anti-American professors teaching muslim propaganda to our youth. Let them go to a vo-tech or trade school and learn a skill, which will give them a sense of pride and earn an honest living, nothing like what is being taught in colleges these days.

  3. My daughter returned pregnant!

  4. My daughter returned a mean bitter B****

  5. College these days is over rated.

  6. Both of our children, who attended a very liberal University, saw through the crap and graduated. Our daughter who is now a Ph.D. and our son who has a degree in Criminal Justice are better for the experience. Now, that having been said, my own experience was different. I was on a 2S deferment and immature so partied, got bounced out after two years, served 4 years in the military, then finished my degree at nights. I would recommend military before college to give kids a chance to become adults.

  7. My son is now an advocate for ISIS due to a Liberal Muslim Professor's influence over young minds.

  8. One came out of college with a dual science degree and a minor, and Gay. The other simply graduated and entered the corporate world and rapidly climbed the corporate ladder. She was making more money than me by her third year out of college. And are they better than before college? You bet, educated is always better. Otherwise, all anybody has is an opinion. Opinions aren't worth a plug nickle. It's the ones that know what they're talking about that get listened to.

  9. Hell no. Came back a liberal bum wanting everything handed to him on a silver platter. What a waste of money.

  10. June 19, 2019 at 8:20 PM:

    Handing it to him is your mistake.....


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