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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Deputies: Convicted rapist attacks victim again days after being released from jail

A warrant was issued Monday for a Washington state man who allegedly attacked a 32-year-old woman in her wheelchair two days after he was released from jail for raping her last year.

Francisco Carranza-Ramirez, 35, pleaded guilty in February to third-degree rape and was set to be sentenced to 12 months in jail, with the time he had spent in King County Jail since Sept. 27, 2018 to count toward the sentence, court documents said. However, a recommendation from Carranza-Ramirez's attorney helped grant a conditional release for him.

As Carranza-Ramirez had little financial help and no housing in the U.S., his defense said he would move to Mexico with financial aid from his family.

He was released on Thursday ,and if he had not provided proof he was living in Mexico by June 25, a warrant would be issued for his arrest, documents said. A sexual assault protection order was also issued against him.



  1. a ditch is the best place for this POS

  2. Electric Chair / Gas Chamber / Hang / Firing squad

    take your pick !!!! Bring them ALL back !!!!

    Very Much needed in America !!!!

  3. No need for a wall, huh? The government needs to get back to their job of protecting this country and its citizens. They took an oath to do so.

  4. All the Demon-crats Fault !!!!


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