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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Democrats Weaponize Race And Immigration In Their Quest For A ‘Permanent Democratic Majority’

Leftists’ approach to seizing and holding onto power would almost be admirable in terms of its ingenuity, if it weren’t so devious. First, expand the voter base to include literally everyone, with or without a pulse. Whether you’re a 16-year-old just figuring out that eating Tide-Pods isn’t the cool thing it seemed like in your head, an illegal immigrant just learning how to properly pronounce the word “asylum,” a convicted rapist on parole, or a prisoner literally in prison serving your sentence, Democrats think you have what it takes to select America’s next slate of leaders. And if you’re dead and they can figure out a way to avoid getting caught, hell they’ll ‘let’ you vote too, if only because they know for SURE which direction THAT lever is going to turn.

Then, expand their voter base even further by importing as many fresh leftist-leaning potential voters as possible. The more the merrier, they say, even if it costs their former middle-class working base lower wages and tougher competition in the job market.

Finally, make themselves virtually immune to criticism for what they’re doing. That’s because there’s something you aren’t supposed to notice about all these leftist-leaning future voters - they’re almost always from Third World nations. There’s also something else, something you’re REALLY not supposed to notice - of late, these leftist-leaning future voters are almost always non-white.



  1. The reason the left-leaning future voters are almost always non-white is because the countries with white populations are prosperous and their people don't need to leave. Unfortunately hat may sound racist but it's a fact.

  2. Dems are moving leftists to districts in states where Trump won by smaller margins, hoping to win them back in 2020. They will do anything to win. The leftists are also liars and liars usually accuse others of their own faults. The nerve of Buttigieg to criticize Christians for supporting Trump and accuse Trump of not living by Christian standards, when his own lifestyle is an abomination to God.

  3. I am a deplorable and irredeemable and yes a MAGA supporter. The rhetoric from the left should be enough to drive any conscientious voter so far right one would hit the margin. Especially boomers who have worked so hard for retirement and who have enjoyed the benefits of capitalism. How could anyone agree with the liberal ideology of socialism, open borders, or the new green deal?

  4. Here are the parallels of the neo-Nazi democrat party and their spiritual cousins, the Third Reich;

    1) Both supported rampant socialism

    2) Both supported disarming the population. Thus far, only the Third Reich succeeded.

    3) Both supported book burning.

    4) Both used violent tactics to halt free speech

    5) Both demonized their political opponents and incited mob violence.

    6) Both conducted a murderous holocaust of innocents. The holocaust of the Jews pales in comparison to the over 60 million babies the democrats have slaughtered.

    A hundred years from now and long after the Nuremberg style trials and execution of democrat politicians, when someone makes a vicious slur they will refer to another as a democrat rather than a Nazi.

  5. Republicans can Weaponize too !!! Dems are going down

    Trump for 2020 & beyond !!!! LOL LOL

  6. Fake News going DOWN tooo !!!! ( Dem News )


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