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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Biological Man Who Beat Women in Cycling Complains About 'Toxic Masculinity'

This weekend, a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman and who won a global cycling championship last year complained about how "toxic masculinity" makes women feel uncomfortable. Some feminists found this remarkably ironic.

"Toxic masculinity includes not being able to recognize when women are deeply uncomfortable with your behavior or presence," Rachel McKinnon, an assistant professor of philosophy at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, tweeted. McKinnon became infamous for winning the gold medal in the women's 35-54 age group in the 2018 Masters Track Cycling World Championships.

"It's definitely NOT fair," Jennifer Wagner, the third-place finisher from Houston, Texas, said in a tweet responding to British conservative Katie Hopkins. Hopkins tweeted an image of the three cyclists on the championship podium. "For clarity — this was the WOMENS world championships. I repeat. Women's. Congratulations to the brave faces of silver and bronze. The world is gripped by febrile madness," Hopkins had tweeted.



  1. Pheromes are so misunderstood

  2. And so misspelled by some.

  3. This troubled individual was/is a college professor at college of Charleston? Sick f'ing world we live in today.

  4. Biological women should REFUSE to compete in, and boycott sports events that put a transgender athlete in the competition. Pure and simple. Sports events have men's competitions, and women's competitions. If transvestites feel left out, then they should have their own events, like biological men, and biological women. The is tranny men against tranny men, and tranny women against tranny women.. Can't be more fair than that. It is not a fair competition if the race is "fixed."

  5. Ball check before every race. If they have balls, race with other opponents with balls, transgender or not !!!


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