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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ban on 'harmful gender stereotypes' — like women who can't park cars, men who can't change diapers — takes effect for UK advertisers

Advertisements that depict "harmful gender stereotypes" — such as women who can't park cars and men who can't change diapers — are now officially banned in the UK.

The new rule from the Committee of Advertising Practice — the regulator tasked with writing UK advertising codes — states that ads "must not include gender stereotypes that are likely to cause harm or serious or widespread offense." The rule applies to broadcast and non-broadcast media, including online and social media, according to the Advertising Standards Authority, CAP's sister organization.

The ASA conducted a review of gender stereotyping and "found evidence suggesting that harmful stereotypes can restrict the choices, aspirations, and opportunities of children, young people, and adults"; its findings were announced last year — and advertisers were given until this year to come into compliance.




  2. Like Delaware drivers in the left lane??
    Oh, that's not stereotyping when it's real.


  3. Does that mean we have to pretend all Brits have a full set of teeth, courtesy of their National Health Service?

  4. we beat them in 2 wars, we defended them in another.
    Why do these people always surrender?

    mr bob

  5. LOL at UK's utter ignorance. You gave up your protection and now you have to accept BS like this. Kinda like the old joke with a kid tattle telling on little Johnny...smh

  6. Ignore biology. It's harmful gender sterotyping. Neuter everyone at birth. Problem solved. No males, no females. It's what they want. Personally, I don't know why any human would want that for society.

  7. Should be fun watching a Kotex commercial that meets the requirements. Or a Tampex commercial. How about erectile dysfunction products for men AND women. Let's market dresses to men and pants to women. Oh that's right, there are no men and women in a Brit's world. Just non-biological humanoids.

  8. What about crooked and rotten toothed people that can't handle a joke

  9. How about women who need to sit down to pee?

  10. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.

    George Orwell, 1984

  11. Mr Bob,
    You aren’t very well educated, are you?

    Who are WE?

    Who exactly “wins” in war?


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