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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

ACLU issues advice to illegal immigrants

The American Civil Liberties Union on Tuesday told illegal immigrants to use their rights to remain silent and to demand their free phone call if they are snared in the new deportation effort President Trump teased this week.

In California, one major immigrant-rights group called on local authorities to resist the deportation efforts.

“Our community will not coward and allow him to terrorize and raid our neighborhoods,” said Angelica Salas, executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights.

The stern warnings came after Mr. Trump suggested “millions” of people may be targeted for deportation.

The ACLU said it was a good time to remind migrants of their own ability to fight deportations. The civil rights group recommended people refuse to open their door to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel, and to demand to see a signed judicial warrant before they are allowed to enter.

More here


  1. Snipers at the border. Solves everyone's problems.

  2. Stay where the F U R

  3. Declare them enemy combatants who have invaded our country. Then round them up under the Patriot Act and prosecute.

  4. Considering they are walking biological weapons it's not difficult to make the argument. Hell guns are bad and they are inanimate objects. Living, breathing, chronically sick, money sucking, standing army of foreign born actors certainly should be treated as an invasion.

  5. Take AIM and treat them like TERRORISTS.

  6. ACLU are scumbags!!

  7. No Christian commenters here today?

    Murder them?

    Are you people even human?


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