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Sunday, June 30, 2019

A Disaster Waiting to Happen’

A growing number of Democrat 2020 candidates are describing former Vice President Joe Biden as a “disaster waiting to happen” if he is chosen to represent Democrats as the front runner in the 2020 presidential election.

Former Sen. Mike Gravel (D-AK), one of the few 2020 candidates who did not go to the South Carolina Democratic Convention this weekend, did not hold back his criticism of Biden while others attending the convention remained more restrained in their remarks.

Gravel called Biden “unchanging, unapologetic, and unaware,” referencing the former vice president’s recent comments on working with segregationist Democrats in the 1970s.

The former Alaska senator also called the former vice president “a disaster” and voiced his desire for a “serious progressive” to take the White House in 2020.



  1. Go With Joe in 2020!

    1. To gitmo him and his Treasonous thieving son.

    2. Didn't you hear Biden is no longer a middle class person. He is rich$$$$$$. Wonder where he got his money? Skim the top with Obama some of the Billions we gave Irsn😂😂😂😂😂

  2. He's NOT going to "Happen" !!!! His day is Over !!!

  3. He Ruined America Enough Already !!! Obama hold over !!!

    Now Trump has to fix it all !!!! and Will !!!

  4. A disaster for whom? Republicans can chuckle and shake their heads, but they cannot become complacent. Dems have a machine that relies on bait and switch as a tactic and are not above fronting a doofus candidate to encourage Republicans not to bother voting on election day.

  5. Cracks me up. Bernie is going to get screwed again...

    1. And another vacation home😂😂😂

  6. He & Obama WERE a DISASTER for 8 Years of our Lives !!!

    He is a Nut if he thinks we are letting him in WH again !!! NOT

    Obamma Care Ruined America Enough !!!!

  7. OBAMA 2.0
    But no Obama approval ?

  8. I hope Joe is selected to represent the dumbocrats!
    It will ensure a Trump re-election in 2020...

    Go, Slow-gropin' Joe!

  9. Prosecute Him for All that Millions he accepted from China !

    He is DIRTY like the rest of those Demon-crats !!!!

  10. Call Mueller to go after him !!! Next Witch Hunt

  11. He forgot how many he has Groped , it has been so many !!!
    He Gropes , then goes to SLEEEEP !!!! LOL LOL

  12. Pedophile Joe is also known as the bumbling fool to everyone in Delaware.

    1. But they keep voting for the MORON. Look at Delaware after 36 years of BIDEN, Carper,koons. NO GM. NO CHRYSLER. NO MBNA. NO DUPONT.


  13. Joe is sly as a fox. What other former VP ever asked his former boss not to endorse his run for the White House? As soon as he can find a plan to plagiarize his rusted shut steel trap mind will kick into gear.

  14. Creepy Uncle Joe,one foot in the grave, and the other on a scum bag

  15. Yeah, but they got those wrinkles out of his face. That was doing something.


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