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Sunday, May 19, 2019

What are they doing?


  1. Sitting in their congressional "safe space" offices pouting!

  2. Like a ship lost at sea, wandering, roaming, looking for a safe haven. Based on current structure of the democratic caucuses, they are very fractured with no unity or cohesiveness. Egotistical infighting and dissension especially among the freshmen socialist anti Semites and power grabbers. As a conservative it is kind of fun to watch them implode.

  3. Now Trump has mastered "political judo",because he knows that by refusing to obey their instructions Democratic weaknesses will be exposed.These are amazing times we're living in.

  4. Winning the next election because we are sick of paying for an idiots tariffs?

    1. 7:55 Lmao look at your party. Do you really think they have a chance at winning anything?? You really should go do some research cause your ignorance is showing 😂😂

  5. Wrong 7:55 MAGA
    TRUMP 2020

  6. Hey 7:55,

    Better an idiot like you pay for tariffs now, than to let the Chinese continue to steal our technology and compete on a playing field they tilt in their favor.

    1. 9:32 The problem is 7:55 isnt smart enough to figure that out🤷‍♀️ Typical little dem that can’t see the forest for the trees 😂

    2. I say let the Chinese take corporate secrets. The companies ran over there to fo business. Let them suffer under the communist trestment. Maybe they'll realize its worth the additional cost to do business here. No one is forcing them to go overseas.

  7. 7:55

    So we pay tariffs on $60 billion of our exports to china, but the Chinese exports to the US get tariffs on $200 billion.

    You may need to take your shoes of, but do some math. Who's winning and who's losing?

    1. You apparently dont understand how tariffs work. Do us all a favor and sit this debate out.

  8. Just ask Biden . China won't steal our lunch. They are no competition.
    Don't look now but they have.

  9. I can't WAIT until the civil war starts.

  10. Starting smoke screens to keep investigations off them.

  11. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 15, 2019 at 9:23 AM

    7:55 Chinese Tarriffs? Hold on, let me check my blood pressure, hmm, nothing, who cares. But every time I see your Democ-rat "leaders" like Hildabeast or Groping Joe my blood starts boiling. Oh No, just saw Barack on TV, hurry up honey, call the ambulance, my blood pressure is through the roof!

  12. So investigate the investigators. DO we not want to know how the Russians invaded the 2016 election and soon to be the 2020 election. Or are you all so blinded to the Trump cult that you don't care ?
    Let all of the information out. Trump is the leader in charge , what is he doing about the Russian invasion?

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 15, 2019 at 11:30 AM

      What Russian Invasion? The one Made Up on CNN? Oh, those Ruskis hacked into minds of 100 millions of Americans on Election Night in 2016?! More than 2 years later and Hillary's Snowflakes are still butt-hurt about it? Oh Wait, there are thousands of illegals crossing border from Mexico every day, are those Ruskis you talking about? Now how about we investigate company called Uranium One, who is owned by Russian Cartel, to whom Hillary sold American Uranium from Oregon, while Secretary of State, with Obama's approval, while collecting salary on American Taxpayers dime. And slick Willy Clinton collecting the Million Dollars for 30 min speech he gave in Russia the following day!. Coincidence, Right?! Well, you not gonna see that story on CNN, Guaranteed.
      TRUMP TRAIN 2020
      Make Rosie O'Donell and Al Sharpton Canadians Again!

  13. Making sure their riches are secure for the future.

  14. what are they doing besides the actions against Trump? Robbing us blind! Thats what they are doing. Robbing us blind. Spreading all that horse manure all to makes themselves rich and you blind idiots just sit back and believe all that crap they spew. Robbing us blind while you follow like sheep.


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