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Sunday, May 12, 2019

There's a push for classes on the Bible in public schools. And there's also a pushback

(CNN)Legislators across the country have reignited the fight for, and debate over so-called "Bible literacy classes" -- elective courses in public schools about Scriptures' impact.

Alabama, Florida, Missouri, North Dakota, Virginia, and West Virginia are among the states that have seen Bible literacy bills so far in 2019. Several of those efforts have fallen along the wayside.

While advocates for such classes believe students ought to be able to learn about the Bible's influence on world history, culture and language, opponents tout separation of church and state and their concerns that teachers might possibly stray into proselytizing.


  1. Separation of church and state. The world is not 6000 years old. We did not all descend from one man. Send your kids to a private school if you want to indoctrinate them.

    1. May God have mercy on your soul...

      your evil as Democrats

    2. talk about fantasy...so your think everything you see n feel on this planet and galaxy just evolved from a big bang. big bang of what. two elements came from where? GODS intelligent design is the only answer

    3. sure 1;02..give me school vouchers and i will send my kid to a real school not a communist, anti american, anti capitalism, luciferian indoc center

  2. but its ok to shove the luciferian idealogy in our faces...

  3. Why not ? It's a fictional literary classic that still sells well today.

    1. yes luciferianism sells well doesnt it? the satanic message of selfish love,fluild genders,decendants of aliens,abortion,
      all rooted in the satanic lie

    2. yes luciferianism sells well doesnt it? the satanic message of selfish love,fluild genders,decendants of aliens,abortion,
      all rooted in the satanic lie

  4. Must adhere to separation of church and state - period! Once we start changing common sense protections granted by our forefathers, it will be over and fast. Status quo in an unstable and unfriendly environment (donkeys and elephants constantly fighting getting nothing done) is fine by me. Eventually the kids in Romper Room will grow up and get along....just hope it doesn't take a civil war for everyone to come to their senses!

    1. Yeah ISLAM is already testing the waters.

  5. It would sure beat what's being taught in schools now., like sex and politics and how to properly use condoms.

  6. they are not setting up the united states church of america! they just want to be able to discuss the impact of the book of truth and light.

  7. Will they take the QURAN OUT ?

  8. Does anyone spouting “separation of church and state” really know what the intent was????? If it was to do as you say and keep God out of our governemnt, then why does our currency state “in God we trust” and the Constitution and Bill of Rights refer to God? Please, get s clue, do some history research and learn the separation of church as state means that the government cannot tax its citizens through the church as was done throughout the Church of England.

  9. @ May 7, 2019 at 9:51 PM

    The "In God we Trust" was added to our money during the "red scare" of the 1950's as a reaction to the "Godless Communists". Prior to that our money read "mind your business".

    I challenge your to point out where it refers to a God, as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are both secular documents, that establish secular Government, laws, and rights... and nowhere in them do they mention a deity whatsoever.

    In fact, these documents specifically spell out the establishment clause, and specify no religious tests.

    You may wanna check your history. Specifically, read Thomas Jeffersons letters to the Danbury Church. This should clear you up.


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