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Monday, May 20, 2019

The Untold Heroism Behind a Marine's Secret Navy Cross from Benghazi

Minutes after Tate Jolly arrived at the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, a mortar hit the compound where an ambassador and another American had been killed and dozens more were trapped.

The Marine gunnery sergeant was one of only two U.S. troops with a small task force that rushed to respond to what quickly became clear was a coordinated attack on the U.S. State Department facility.

It was a remarkable mission. The closest military backup was hours away, which later led to fierce debate about how U.S. troops should be postured to protect Americans and diplomatic posts overseas.



  1. All those deaths are on Hillary's head.

  2. It makes me proud that he is an American.

  3. It appears his Navy Cross should be upgraded to the Congressional Medal of Honor.


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