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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Taliban Appears To Be Winning Against US-backed Kabul, Finds Pentagon Watchdog

It should come as no surprise to most that the United States' over 18-year long war in Afghanistan is a continual nightmare wrought with endless difficulties, earning America's lengthy post 9/11 quagmire the moniker of "the forever war".

But a new Pentagon inspector general report has confirmed the situation to be even worse than commonly perceived: the war to roll back the Taliban is not merely stalled, but there's indicators suggesting jihadist insurgents are actually winning. The report finds Afghan national forces backed by the US have seen a 31% surge in casualties in recent months.

The Pentagon watchdog concluded the following, according to Bloomberg:
Casualties among Afghan National Defense and Security Forces rose 31 percent from December 2018 to February 2019 over the same period a year earlier, while troop levels fell short again of authorized strength for the first quarter of this year.


1 comment:

  1. I'm very skeptical of reports that include percentages and not actual figures. I want to see solid numbers.


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