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Thursday, May 02, 2019

See Larry run? Republican Maryland Gov. Hogan has a super PAC

Gov. Larry Hogan has what appears to be a super PAC, a development sure to stoke speculation that Maryland’s chief executive might challenge President Trump in the Republican Primary in 2020.

Change Maryland Action Fund bills itself as a political organization that can accept contributions in unlimited amounts. Neither the Federal Election Commission nor the Maryland State Board of Elections were able to track down a statement of organization for the group on Tuesday. But it has begun soliciting contributions as Hogan more closely considers a presidential bid amid a busy national travel schedule. Last week, he was in New Hampshire for the first time as a potential contender.

In an email fundraising appeal issued in April, Change Maryland Action Fund described itself as the “official organization” backing Hogan, saying it was “founded by the governor’s closest friends and supporters.”



  1. I hope he does. Then PRESIDENT TRUMP will crush this egotistical POS for what he really is.

  2. He is a pipe dreamer my cat stands a better chance of becoming president, and he is not running of course.

  3. Would LOVE to see a Hogan/Powell dream ticket!

  4. That takes some balls considering he's been entrusted to run just one state and look at the Mess Maryland is in. Baltimore corruption should be a yellow flag for anyone thinking of continuing to support this idiot

  5. The Republican party does not need a RINO leading it. What about pompous Hogan's report card? Chesapeake Bay given a clean bill of health? Nope Prevent Exelon Energy from dumping waste from Conowingo? Nope Baltimore City cleaned up and lower crime? Nope Reduced corruption in Baltimore City? Nope Rollback state tax to 5%? Nope Become a sanctuary state for illegal aliens? Yes. Critique and criticize President Trump who is restoring our country to greatness. Yes Reduced crime in Salisbury? Nope *insert eye roll*

  6. Boy that government feed trough is addictive. He's been feeding off it for too long. Like O'Malley, he can't imagine life without a political job. If nothing else, he can eat, live, and vacation (travel) on that campaign money, win or lose.

  7. really what a friggin BUFFON...he will not get the nomination..give it up larry

  8. Hell yeah go Hogan! Get this dotard out of office!

  9. May 2, 2019 at 12:38 PM:

    Try saying that in public here on the Eastern Shore. Only a Trump Deranged Democrat would encourage Hogan like that. And that is why all Maryland Republicans call out Hogan for the RINO that he is. Running against a sitting US Republican President as a Republican is solid proof of that. Your Hogan is nothing but a pimple for Trump to pop. Get over it. Trump won, you dims and Hillary lost. Trump is our payback for 8 years of Obama. Get used to it! Or go crazy not accepting reality.

  10. Hogan is Change Md. He started that when was gearing up to run for Governor in 2014. So he will convert all his campaign money from all the money he got running for Governor into the pac and right into his bank account?

  11. May 2, 2019 at 9:25 PM:

    If that's a rebuttal, you lose.


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