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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Principal to stop saying 'God bless America' after pledge after parent complaint

A Pennsylvania school principal will no longer say “God bless America” after leading students in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Peter Brigg’s practice at Sabold Elementary School in Springfield led at least one parent to complain to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, whose attorney contacted the district. The group claimed it violated the U.S. Constitution’s prohibition of government sponsoring religious messages.

The district decided to cease the practice after consulting with its lawyer. In a statement , the district says it is not prohibiting students from reciting “God bless America” after the pledge on their own.



  1. God is being taken out of Everything.
    It's exactly what the plan is and it's
    being fulfilled.

  2. Whatever happened to MAJORITY RULES? How is it everyone has to do what one person wants. I am sick and tired of the minority runnig things. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  3. Solution: move south

  4. "Under God" has to be removed for public schools in 2020

  5. Good. Religion has no place in public schools. Religion as a whole is just a way to keep the commoners in line by those in power. Still is to this day. Sheeple.

  6. 9:41, explain yourself...more details please.


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