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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Political Humor


  1. While I watch FOX News to get fair and balanced, it is at this point almost comical to watch the clips of the "fake news" cable outlets. They (CNN, MSNBC, and others) are characterized as delusional, off the wall, and deranged. They are struggling to meet market share so "go for the throat" with wild accusations and prognostications that are so bazaar they lose credibility. They make no bones about hating Trump but actually with the bomb shell about to go off (re: declassification of the Russia/FISA data) they are going to be behind on the reporting and walk away with terrible egg on the face at least. Watch, the "journalists" from these programs will bail when the sh** hits the fan and swear they were scripted and held hostage to report the bias.

  2. 7:27 No they won't back down, they will never admit they are wrong they will just try to change the subject.

  3. That picture is an Insult to the Man who played Boss Hogg. He was a true Gentleman, not that slob that sits in congress.


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