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Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Pelosi’s Equality Act Would Undo Trump’s Most Significant Achievements

Back in October, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi told an audience at Harvard University that if the Democrats retook the House, one of her top legislative priorities would be to pass the misnamed Equality Act, a bill that would impose radical sexual ideology on the nation.

Democrats took the House, and Pelosi wasn’t bluffing. She’s now pushing a bill that would undo some of the most significant achievements of the Trump administration. Here’s how.

The Equality Act adds the phrase “sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity)” to our nation’s civil rights laws that ban discrimination on the basis of race. This means the law would suddenly treat people as racists if they dare to dissent from the left’s ideology on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

Here are the major Trump victories that the Equality Act would undo.

1. The Equality Act would force employers to cover abortion, and medical professionals to perform or assist in performing abortions.



  1. She evidently wants him to win.

  2. All we can hope for is that the majority of Americans begin to see the hypocrisy, deceit, and disingenuous nature of politics today. Don't give up, become informed, listen and judge for yourself if things make sense.

  3. Not likely to pass in the Senate. Contrary to her overzealous belief, the Lower House of Congress doesn't make the laws by itself. She is delusional and thinks the House is more powerful that the other two branches of the government, and the Senate combined. The old sk*nk is loony. She is the best endorsement for Trump's re-election, and her ouster as Speaker.

  4. She never ceases to amaze me with such trashy proposals. Let's get on with health care, infrastructure and stop obsessing about race, sex, abortions and gun control. Vote Trump 2020 and let Pelosi deal with in in her retirement.


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