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Monday, May 13, 2019

'Our hero saved 5 lives'- Family shares video of teen's 'honor walk' before organ donation


  1. Could this have been done without showing him as a vegetable hooked up to a ventilator?! I hope nobody ever does that to me no matter how many organs I give away.

  2. Obviously 12:41 AM you are missing the point. He fell victim to a stupid prank and either he at some point (while lucid and responsible) or his family made the honorable decision to donate organs. What an outpouring of support for the family at their time of tragic loss.

  3. ANON 12:41
    Come on, really! How else were they supposed to show him? He is brain dead! Should he sit up and wave to his fans? No, there is no other way to do it. He requires a ventilator to breath. Thank God they don't do brain transplants as donating your brain would be a cruel joke on the recipient.

  4. Has to be a very, very tough decision to make. But obviously one with great kindness.

  5. Sorry, I am confused. DD they jus wheel a dead body down the hall or was this person still breathing with assistance. Should Facebook or who put the demo on self stranglation be sued ? Nice of parents to donate. Very sad.


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