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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Obesity may overtake smoking as leading preventable cause of cancer

You probably know smoking causes cancer, maybe even that it's the leading preventable cause of cancer.

You might not know the second leading cause of cancer, because scientists have only recently made the connection.

It's obesity.

Researchers have been investigating a link between obesity and cancer for more than 15 years, but that link was only established conclusively in the past few years.

While public health officials have programs that address both obesity and cancer prevention, they haven’t tailored programs to specifically address obesity as a cancer risk factor.

They’ll have to.

Because of decreasing smoking rates and increasing obesity rates, obesity is predicted to surpass smoking as the No. 1 preventable cancer risk factor within the next two decades.

It’s already a public health concern in Michigan, which has the 10th highest adult obesity rate in the nation.

More than 32% of the state’s population is obese. That rate was as low as 25% in 2003. It has been rising steadily.



  1. mmmmm

    I need food because of my anxiety

    mommy would always stuff a bottle in my mouth when
    I cried and was sad

    no diffrent now that I am older....

    stuffing food in my mouth instead of bottle

  2. More people are dying from libtard policies than anything else on the earth.

    40,000 babies die each year from infanticide

  3. according to scientists, everything causes cancer


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