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Sunday, May 05, 2019

Neighborhood walk in Doverdale


  1. Hmmm. "The government knocking on my door." That makes me feel, not only safe, warm, and fuzzy, but a well use of the mayor and numerous others tax payer funded efforts. Psych! I actually think most people would prefer to not have the government trespass and harass them. What total ignorance and lack of self awareness! I would meet you with my shotgun at the front door, you moronic ass clown!

    1. Same here and i thought jehovah witnessess were bad man dont come to my neighborhood

  2. You can put more cops in the Doverdale area and make them AGGRESSIVE!!! This area is ridden with crime. Instead the sheriff’s office CAT team is doing all the work in the city for your defunked police force.

  3. Election time again??

  4. Spd aggressive? LMFAO babsie won’t allow that

  5. you were there on the wrong day, try a week-end and you will be too scared to go back

  6. Dog and pony show. We took our complaints to SPD and they did nothing. The end result was a drive by shooting.

    Your government is nothing but a social media reality show.

    Fake Fake Fake

    look at me walking in the ghetto? wtf.

  7. This is a campaigning operation on taxpayer dollars. When they knock do they tell you you're footing the bill for the conversation?

  8. The mayor has no muscle tone. Is this what the Army has become?

  9. @8:56 LMFAO!! Jake day couldn't make it the real day to day military operations. He's just a social media picture taking wanna be. He wouldn't last a day in a hostile environment( Friendly FIRE). Why is it he always parades around the doverdale area when he's looking for content? He must have gotten wind he's got an opponent coming up to challenge him for his job


  11. Hey pt mayor F Off.

  12. Bring Crime down, don't double up services (aka fire marshall) we don't need one for the city and county.... just one..... and when you send your employees around to site houses, why do some house get sighted (aka for green stuff) while others right next door or two doors down that have other issues don't get sighted... what is the criteria .... and on the river, there are these little red looking stop signs which have steps... how is a boat going to get under the bridge next to market street to even use those steps?????


  14. Fake Jake wants that new $50,000 year Mare's pay. He's campaigning on the City Dime of the taxpayers.

  15. Hey Jake Day I thought the Salisbury Fire Department had their own Fire Marshal? Why is the Office of the State Fire Marshal investigating fires in Salisbury? WTH are they paying Cramer an Assistant Chief's salary and giving him the title of Fire Marshal with the radio of FM 1? Asking for a friend.

  16. Day looks pretty bad in this photo!! Check out those yellowish blood shot eyes.Hear the boys been hitting the sauce pretty hard

  17. This has to be the only street you have walked since running for last election and now your scared, new man on the horizon King and he is going to be our next mayor. Go back over the posts on this site over the years Jake your love of selfies, 3rd Fridays and bars, bike paths, ignoring the requests to reinstate the Mayors Roundtable so the mayor and neighborhood reps in Salisbury could meet with you, the SPD, Coding and Compliance, and the City Administrator. How many Block meetings have you attended in Salisbury? How many walks in the city other than this current picture have you done? Why did you take down the Riverwalk fence? But the other fences you wanted removed were the chain link fences you wanted something nicer. How about the little blue things in the city streets to designate where fire hydrants were, when the fire vehicles all ready had gear in the vehicles for that. Let's not forget the orange bicycles in time for last years festival were eventually rounded up and removed when they would up all over the city in ditches, front yards, all along rt 13, and business parking lots. And your latest dream to take the freeloaders on the roads with their handout for $ and give them real jobs! Get a grip your boat is sinking fast!

  18. Doverdale high crime are you kidding this is one of the neighborhoods that used to meet at the Mayors Roundtable meetings which Jake did not continue. They had -0- crime compared to the Presidents Neighborhood (33 blocks). And they do make a point any walks should be after schools out or Saturdays. Also from the pictures quite nice compared to Salvation Army, Princeton Homes area, you know the chained link fence areas. This is another prop for media attention which WBOC I'm sure will be most happy to cover. Come into the real ghetto areas like Ireton did on a regular basis, he also responded to e-mails, texts, visits and calls, also Crime Watch meetings. Jake get him to explain this to you far better Mayor than you have ever been, Also Tilghman did unscheduled walks and I saw her walk right in the open front door of a drug house just by herself, she had balls, also she was always available. You our only real screw up and it will be your legacy!


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