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Monday, May 20, 2019

Morehouse graduation speaker to pay off student loans of entire 2019 class

The keynote speaker at Morehouse College' commencement ceremony announced a grant Sunday wiping out the student debt of the entire 2019 graduating class.

Billionaire Robert Smith’s surprise gift in front of nearly 400 graduating seniors may be worth about $40 million, officials said.

"My family is going to create a grant to eliminate your student loans," Smith said, according to WXIA-TV. "You great Morehouse men are bound only by the limits of your own conviction and creativity."



  1. That's a grand gesture ! I hope it's tax deductible.

  2. I'm sure that his lawyers and accountants will figure something out.

  3. This guy is a hero. He has made it possible for these graduates to get off to a great start. My heart sings!

  4. A Grant / gift to the College is tax deductible. Where is the Democrats on this, since they want to persecute President Trump on his business transactions and tax deductions? OH I forgot these individuals are NON-WHITE and it is a NON-White College. Called Black Privilege.

    1. Is the payoff a donation to the college which is a tax deduction or a debt payoff which isn't a tax deduction. I guess it doesn't matter because no matter what the laws are it will be tax deductable because is is a black college. Yes black privilege.

  5. Why didn't he do this at a school that also had white students??

    1. Why hasn’t a white billionaire done this for black students before?

    2. Do you really have to ask. Talk about division. Who causes division and then complains about white folks - you got it blacks.

    3. Strictly a retort to the previous statement which is just as divisive pal.

  6. This is great. Now they can deliver pizzas, wait tables and drive Ubers without their paychecks being garnished.

  7. Great thought. Certainly gives them a leg up.

    How many of them will immediately dive back into debt? Debt is currently a sickness. Teaching people how to manage money for their job, family and home are more important than paying off their debt.

    Nice gesture. I am sure it made the donar and the recipients feel good. But it will probably do little to change the way people voluntarily place themselves back into the bonds of debt slavery. Its not my money so thanks for making the effort.


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