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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Mayor Young resolute: City will not pay to unlock ransomware

BALTIMORE —Baltimore Mayor Jack Young said he's not paying ransomware attackers who have shut down city computers for 17 days.

The Baltimore City government is being held hostage by RobbinHood ransomware that has shut down computers. Whoever is responsible is demanding 13 Bitcoins worth about $100,000 to unlock the system. Experts said the code for the virus is impossible to break.

"The data is being encrypted by a strong encryption function called RSA, which we don't know how to break without the key," said Avi Rubin, a computer science professor at Johns Hopkins University.



  1. This is what happens when you hire family and friends instead capable people. What’s $109k? Baltimore gave Freddie Gray’s family $6M!

    1. If you read the article, the NSA is to blame. You don't really care, you just want to bitch.

  2. Even if they pay the ransom there is no guarantee the hacker will actually give them the "key" to recover their data. Somehow, I have no sympathy, though.

  3. "If you read the article, the NSA is to blame..."

    ??? You are nuts! You obviously DID NOT read the article.

  4. A coverup of the evidence of the ex-moyor's crimes. Of course they won't pay the ransom.

  5. They only wanted 10K when they first demanded money, now its 100K, Its not going to get cheaper, the longer he waits. Wait long enough, the hackers will walk away. And it can't be undone! Baltimore has to pay the ransom, and hope the hackers give them the key.


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