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Friday, May 24, 2019

Lindsey Graham: Pelosi may be 'delusional'

Sen. Lindsey Graham said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's claim that President Trump wants to be impeached is nonsense.
"When she says the president wants to be impeached. I don’t buy that. When she says her caucus is not divided. I don’t buy that. She’s either delusional or misrepresenting where her caucus really is," the South Carolina Republican told reporters on Thursday.

Pelosi said Trump abruptly walked out of a White House meeting Wednesday on infrastructure because he was frustrated Democrats were not planning to impeach him. “The White House is just crying out for impeachment,” the California Democrat said during a press conference. “That’s why he flipped yesterday.”



  1. Can anybody imagine these clowns getting on the phones every night to decide what goofiness they're going to do the next day?

  2. "...imagine these clowns getting on the phones every night to decide..."

    You don't have to imagine; they get a fax every morning telling them what to say from The Democracy Integrity Project or "TDIP". It's run by one of Dianne Feinstein's former staffers. Google it if you don't believe me.

    1. If you follow twitter they ALL tweet identical buzz words on a daily basis! Wake up America, the MSM is in on it as they are given all the same buzz words at 4:00 am to dupe the public!

  3. I will. Thank you. I do believe every action taken is coordinated.


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