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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Liberal Hack and Idiot Mazie Hirono Attacks the President and Slanders AG Barr and Demands he Resign — It Gets So Bad Lindsey Graham Jumps In (VIDEO)

Senator Mazie Hirono is one the loudest and dumbest of the current Democrats in the US Senate.

On Wednesday at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Attorney General Bill Barr Hirono used her time to attack President Trump as a “grifter and liar” and to slander the Attorney General and demand he resign.

Hirono rattled off a series of conspiracies, half-truths and lies to attack the Trump Administration and his Attorney General.

It got so bad that Chairman Lindsey Graham stepped in to cut off the liberal mouthpiece.
Graham accused Hirono of slander — which was being generous.



  1. She is a TREASONOUS bitch.

  2. Time for Hawaii and Puerto Rico and CA to be dropped from the USA .Let them Rot.

  3. And she is on the judiciary committee? Is this the best they have? Notice...her claim to fame, attacking Kavanaugh and now Trump and AG Barr. NOTHING of any substance. She is a far left liberal mouthpiece...period. Embarrassing that the left trots out these unethical moon bats who got nuthin!

  4. Thank you Mr. Graham. This woman deserves censure.

  5. You could tell that she was put up to this, reading from a list put together by somebody else. Taking one for the team?


  6. Crazy Mazie sums her up-always.


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