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Monday, May 20, 2019

Leaked Doc: Politics Is Top AFL-CIO Priority

America's largest union plans on spending more on politics than any other budget item.

AFL-CIO is expected to dedicate 35 percent of its spending on political causes and donations, according to a budget document leaked to Splinter News. The budget, which was unanimously approved by the union's executive council, sets aside $40 million for political purposes—a $15 million increase from the amount it spent on politics and lobbying according to its most recent federal filings. Political expenditures will eight times higher than the $5 million it plans to spend on "economic power and growth."

The leaked document sparked criticism from Republican lawmakers and labor watchdogs. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R., N.C.), the top Republican on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, said that the emphasis on politics demonstrates the disconnect between workers and labor officials. Union households helped elect Donald Trump, particularly in Rust Belt states, but AFL-CIO's endorsements and spending continue to overwhelmingly favor Democrats. Foxx expects that behavior to continue in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election.



  1. Proof that they are more about making money for themselves than helping the workers they are supposed to be representing.

    1. 8:08 All you want to do is bash unions you know absolutely nothing about. How will this priority make money for the AFL-CIO officials

    2. 8:08 All you want to do is bash unions you know absolutely nothing about. How will this priority make money for the AFL-CIO officials

  2. I used to work in a union setting. It was always politics first, workers last in the spending. Democrats thrust at you, with you being expected to vote for them, even if they were the worst candidate ever.

  3. Rank and file workers get paid by their employer, not from union bank accounts. Democrats don't always get 100% of the union votes like they want. Lots of union workers see through their smoke screen


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