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Friday, May 17, 2019

Islamist Somali War Criminal Into US After Marrying Somali Woman Guilty of Naturalization Fraud

Coming up on the two year anniversary of Laura Loomer being banned from Uber and Lyft for calling out their habit of employing dangerous Islamists, a CNN report confirms that a brutal Somali-Muslim war criminal has been outed as a “Uber Pro-Diamond” driver. Loomer was called a bigot and racist relentlessly by the mainstream media and alt-left activists, who said she was unfairly targeting Muslims.

Turns out that Loomer was yet again on the forefront, accurately chastising Uber and Lyft for their hiring of dangerous Islamists.

In 2016, WND reported how Yusuf Abdi Ali was even deported by Canada and had been living a “posh” lifestyle in Alexandria, VA suburbs for nearly 20 years. Even more concerning, the war criminal who committed atrocities during Somalia’s civil war, was discovered to have been working at Dulles International Airport. Yes, a Somali-Muslim war criminal with Islamist ties was allowed to openly operate in one of the airports located in our nation’s capitol.

Pamela Geller examined some of Ali’s more brutal acts in a post published yesterday about the Islamists shocking past.



  1. Sounds like TALIB.

  2. Holy s%!t! And this crap keeps being revealed every single day!

  3. I hate the Peace Alliance of the Lower ShoreMay 17, 2019 at 7:14 PM

    Lock n Load

    buy yourself a weapon

    youll be needing it soon

    a gun store will help you if you never used a gun


  5. I am getting sick and tired of all of this Muslim crap ruining our country because of Democrats.


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