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Monday, May 20, 2019

Good or Bad Idea?


  1. That wouldn't help the people pulling the strings

  2. Makes good sense. That's why it won't happen in government schools.

  3. Why can’t we have both?

  4. I was taught most of this in high school class known as Civics. Ancient history now I guess. Some from math classes about interest and compounding it.

  5. We were talking about this 30 years ago at the BOE level. Nobody listened.

  6. We don't have to get rid of Algebra II, but it should be an elective. As someone that works in the financial industry, I think Financial Fundamentals needs to be a requirement. These kids need to be taught life skills.

  7. We had a Life Skills class as a requirement to graduate when I got out of high school some 30 years ago. Interest, balancing a checkbook, budgeting, etc.

  8. I learned all that in grade school and high school. Very valuable information!

  9. There isn't time enough to teach the kids anything of value.
    Got to teach for the state test to get money for the district.
    Got to teach the kids that they can be a girl if born a boy.
    Got to teach the kids that pedophilia is a normal sexual urge.
    Got to teach them to hate Pres. Trump.


  10. Fact based response. There is such a class and it is mandatory. What used to be known as Home Economics is now Family & Consumer Science.

    All of the basics are included. Listening and paying attention are options that remain student responsibilities. Sigh,

  11. Home Economics was a class teaching girl students cooking, sewing, etc, skills

  12. I actually knew 2 government employees (husband and wife) who could not balance a check book. They both were higher ups. I was shocked.

  13. I think this is a grand idea.


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