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Monday, May 20, 2019

Gillibrand says she would eliminate detention system for immigrants

Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York says she would eliminate the detention system for immigrants waiting for their claims to be processed in U.S. immigration courts, insisting that if immigrants were released into the community with a court date and a lawyer, they would show up.

Gillibrand, a 2020 Democratic presidential contender, told "Face the Nation" she would overhaul the immigration system to fund anti-terrorism and anti-drug trafficking measures at the border while developing a more "humane" system. She said she would eliminate the use of for-profit companies for holding immigrants and do away with the detention system entirely.

"As president of the United States, I wouldn't use the dentition system at all," Gillibrand said on "Face the Nation."



  1. She is an idiot and is dangerously out of touch with reality.

  2. I think it's not just me with this opinion - but all of the Democrat politicians are promising to do what's good for lawbreakers and what's bad for the country and its' lawful citizens!

    1. That's because all depictions ads commies

  3. She needs schooling on the topic.

  4. I'm sure most women don't agree with her!

  5. Ship em to that B.....s house

  6. She needs to be in GITMO.


  7. They are just pandering, and have consultants skilled in determining which pandering terms resonate the most with the fools they want to impress.

    The junior senator from New York does absolutely nothing dispel comments directed at the intellect shallowness of blonde women. She is just a phony and will change opinion based on her most recent conversation.

    She probably gave Biden's number to Margaret Thatcher!

  8. Ooooo, detention. Sounds scary and evil.

  9. Northwest Woodsman: Why on earth would we want to detain these people and keep them from realizing the American dream? Never mind the dead, headless bodies being dumped on the streets of border cities such as Juarez. We must provide them with the opportunity to practice their trades on our side of the border too. Equal opportunity, diversity, affirmative action and all that. It is not fair to limit their activities to south of the border.Besides, Marxist democrats need the votes to reach their goal of making this a Marxist paradise.


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