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Friday, May 24, 2019

Feinstein Had Dinner Meeting With Iran's Foreign Minister

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) had a dinner meeting with Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif, Politico Playbook reported Thursday morning—a move even the left-leaning media outlet called “unusual.”

Feinstein’s staff told Politico the meeting, which took place a few weeks ago, was “in consultation with the State Department” but it was not at State’s request that she go.

"The office was in touch with State in advance of the meeting to let them know it was happening and to get an update on U.S.-Iran activity," the California Democrat’s office said.



  1. That is counter productive. No truth will be spoken by Iran.

  2. Feinstein is on the take with Iran and China and has been for a very long time...she's a big part of the deep state...party's just about over for these Traitors.

  3. Why was Flynn supposed to report his meeting with a foreign government and Dianne was not? Further, why was John turncoat Kerry meeting with Iran on his own?

  4. It it time to stop this. Put Kerry in jail just - let the rest of the Deep State know who is in charge. Charge him with the Hogan Act. Better yet charge Obama. Obama's are gearing up to disrupt the 2020 election. They must be stopped. Obama's in the media every day.

  5. Does she need to register as a foreign agent?

  6. All trying to cover their ASSES.


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