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Friday, May 03, 2019

Facebook Blacklists Prominent Conservatives

The Masters of the Universe at Facebook have banned multiple conservative personalities from both Facebook and Instagram, including Infowars host Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos.

The Atlantic reports that Instagram and its parent company Facebook has banned a number of conservative personalities from its platforms, including Infowars host Alex Jones, Infowars contributor and YouTube star Paul Joseph Watson, journalist and activist Laura Loomer, and Milo Yiannopoulos. Louis Farrakhan was notably also banned from the platforms at the same time.

Paul Joseph Watson confirmed his ban, claiming he has not broken Facebook’s rules, and commenting, “In an authoritarian society controlled by a handful of Silicon Valley giants, all dissent must be purged.”



  1. What do you people expect, they worship the devil and practice evil... Are you surprised that they allow ISIS and other terror groups to still have accounts, even thought they publicly and always share, show, and make videos of them killing people and talking and teach hatred, which goes against FB terms 100% yet they are not banned??? Think about that you obtuse morons... If you have a problem with that or a problem being banned, which FB is entitled to do, then start your own service like FB... They are not a public company in the sense that they are like a municipality website or FB page where if they delete your comments they can be sued... this is a private company and can ban whom they wish... If you have a problem with that, who give a shit, and shut the f' up... You should have listened to me and the others who told you when they repeal the net neutrality act, this would happen... NOOOO I am mister know it all who seems to know it all and is always right, so f'ing right I am mister know it all, with respect to the govt and knowing how they work and the language they use, YES I am mister know it all... I have been right 100% so far, you should listen instead of thinking you know everything about nothing... This shit happens everyday, all year every year and for some stupid reason you all are shocked some how that all of this happens...

  2. Actually they are capitalists and control the content of their product offerings. Has nothing to do with " Free Speech "

  3. 3:26. How do I start my own Facebook page? I’m surprised no one has tried.

  4. Don't like it start your own social media. Yeah right . Everyone is compliant until they don't like it.

  5. Yes they are capitalist and control its content, but they still can not discriminate which they are doing by not blacklisting left wing liberals. That is violation of Federal law. No I do not use social media because of their privacy policies.

  6. Time to revoke the freedom Facebook has and regulate them just like all media.

  7. Regulate them just like all media, are you joking 7:57 ? There is no regulation, msm lies all the time

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Actually they are capitalists and control the content of their product offerings. Has nothing to do with " Free Speech "

    May 3, 2019 at 3:39 PM

    U don't know what u are saying.


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