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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Elijah Cummings denies wife's charity is conflict of interest or tax violation

Rep. Elijah Cummings denied that corporate donations to his wife’s charity posed a conflict of interest with his House Oversight Committee chairmanship and denounced an IRS complaint filed against the organization as “a fabricated distraction” on Wednesday.

The National Legal and Policy Center, a government watchdog group, filed an IRS complaint against Cummings’ wife Maya Rockeymoore’s nonprofit organization on Monday, the Washington Examiner first reported.

The complaint asked the IRS to investigate the overlap between Rockeymoore’s nonprofit Center for Global Policy Solutions and her for-profit consulting firm Global Policy Solutions LLC to determine whether the arrangement was used for "illegal private benefit."



  1. Where is Elijah Cummings tax returns, financial statements and business dealings before he was elected to Congress until present? Cummings and the Democrats are stating nobody is above the law and nobody gets special treatment then Cummings and all the Congress people along with all people running for President and their families has to turn over the same paperwork as they are demanding from President Trump and his Family.

  2. I want a FBI Investigation.

  3. Investigate this.

  4. Of course he would. And he'll want a pass cause he's black.

  5. Of course cummings is denying it. he's a lying piece of putrid trash just like all democrats. the only reason he wins is because blacks have historically vote like dummies and will vote for a child sodomist so long as they are black. this because any and all morals are nonexistence in black communities and if they deny they are just getting to that lying they do constantly. if they did have morals they would be ashamed as how low they have sunk.

  6. What's the problem? He and his wife are just getting what they are owed!

  7. It’s called advance Reparations!

  8. No, it's called bullsh*t.

  9. LOCK HIM UP !!!!!!


  10. Were his lips moving? There lies (pun intended) the answer.

  11. Never too big to be a di'n'do nuffin'.


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