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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Disturbing video shows elderly man pushed off bus, dies from injuries

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (FOX 35 ORLANDO) - The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has released a disturbing video of a 74-year-old man being violently shoved off a bus by another passenger.

He later died from his injuries.

In the video, the suspect is seen pushing Serge Fournier with both hands down the front steps of the bus. Fournier, while holding his walker, falls flat on his face, hitting his head on the sidewalk.



  1. Glad they caught the animal.

  2. Where the F*** are the rest of the people who witnessed this nonsense?? Someday it might be a relative of yours

  3. open the border my ass

  4. That piece of excrement is a reason why the death penalty is needed.

  5. she din do nuffin!

  6. Anonymous said...
    That piece of excrement is a reason why the death penalty is needed.

    May 16, 2019 at 6:05 AM

    O'Malley and the Democrats got rid of it in Maryland and it's not coming back.

  7. Why did I know it was a black on white crime before I even read the article.

    If it was a white person pushing a black person then they would be charged with a hate crime and get the death sentence.

    White people you need to get your lame asses in gear and start fighting back.

  8. I guess it was white privilege that made her do it.

  9. Black lives matter right Cadesha?

  10. Hang that POS B***H!

  11. Let's guess how much remorse she has for killing an old man with a walker.

  12. Hopefully the same as done to her in prison


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