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Friday, May 24, 2019

Democrat Congresswoman Accuses Border Patrol Of Murdering Kids In Bizarre Rant

I’m sure this will spawn dozens of breathless fact checks in the media right?

Today, acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan was testifying before the House Homeland Security Committee, specifically dealing with the emergency on the border. Then things got really weird.
“Why do these tragedies keep happening,” Rep. Underwood asked
I just want to point out how ludicrous this question is. We have over 100,000 people a month crossing the border illegally. Some of those people arrive sick, dehydrated, or otherwise dealing with physical ailments brought on by the brutal journey north. It’s actually a minor miracle that more people aren’t dying given the circumstances.


  1. Anybody considered letting them die in Mexico?

  2. Thank the Democrats for their inaction in changing the Immigration Laws.

  3. These are tragedies, but not the fault of any agency in the U.S.

  4. It is a miracle that the border agents put up with all this crap - changing diapers, caring for children being passes around so the illegal adults can get into our country. These Congress people (elites) have no idea about the real world but they are the lawmakers. Damn scary.


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