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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Deep State Brennan Tosses Corrupt FBI Director Comey Under the Bus but Evidence Shows They Conspired Together

The Deep State is starting to eat each other. Former Obama CIA Director John Brennan is attacking former fired FBI Director James Comey. But evidence shows these crooks worked together in their Deep State coup.

Yesterday the former US Attorney for Washington DC, Joe diGenova, told Laura Ingraham on her show Ingraham Angle that Comey and Brennan are in serious trouble and better be lawyered up.
Joe diGenova: This is very serious business. For the first time I believe some of these guys are going to prison… Let me tell you something, Horowitz has already concluded that the final three FISAs were completely illegal. He’s now on the brink of finding that the first FISA was completely illegal. Durham has already used a grand jury in Connecticut. They’ve already gotten documents. He’s already talked to the intel people.

Laura Ingraham: How long has this been going on?

Joe diGenova: Durham’s been working for a couple months. The bottom line is this. This is now – big time! This is where Brennan needs five lawyers. Comey needs five lawyers.


  1. The plot thickens....Oh, I just love this part of the movie.

  2. Why has their top secret clearance not been revoked / taken along with Hillary, Bill and all those involved in this hoax? As Clint Eastwood would say "Hang'em High"

  3. Circle firing squad
    Love it


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