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Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Deaf man adopts deaf rescue puppy, teaches him sign language

MAINE — A man who was born deaf is now the owner of a sweet puppy who is also unable to hear.

Nick Abbott, 31, of Maine, adopted his dog Emerson through the foster-based rescue, NFR Maine, ABC News reports.

At 6 weeks old, Emerson was rescued from a shelter in Florida and later transferred up north.The black lab mix experienced seizures and an infection known as canine parvovirus, or parvo.

"Once we got him home from the vet's office from Florida, we realized he had hearing difficulties," Powers told "Good Morning America. "He doesn't let it bother him at all, though he's a typical puppy."



  1. Good for both of them. Happiness.

  2. How Dear !!!

    Both are given a New Life !

  3. LOL, i bet the TV is really loud and the smoke detector is going off and neither him or the dog know it....

    1. Why would the smoke detector go off because the tv is loud ?

  4. Great man I wish their were more like him, parents must be so proud I know those that read this blog will thank you Joe for putting this out here.


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