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Friday, May 03, 2019

Conservative Ben Shapiro Target of Death Threats ... FBI Makes Arrest

Ben Shapiro, the conservative talk show host and editor of The Daily Wire, was the target of serious death threats and the suspect has just been arrested ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us, Shapiro, who frequently appears on cable news shows and has a hugely popular podcast, filed a police report with the LAPD. We're told the threats were not just against Shapiro but his family as well. He's married with one daughter.

We're told the Department got in touch with the FBI and created a joint task force to hunt down the culprit.

Our sources say a man was arrested Wednesday in Washington state for making the threats.

We're told these threats were "extremely serious" ... not just someone blowing off steam.



  1. Lock up the bitch Waters as WELL. This summer is going to be AWESOME!!

  2. That's why I don't have anything political on my car. To many nuts.

  3. Waters, Nadler and the same ilk.


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