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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Candidates Sought For District 2 County Council Seat


  1. Sorry to see him leave . He was
    the Best one on there !!

  2. Where's District 2?

  3. Flee Salisbury!

  4. District 2 is huge, taking up much of the county west of Route 13, all the way to the bay, north to Delmar, south to the Somerset County line.

  5. Hopefully someone eminently qualified will step forward to fill Mark’s seat. And may that person understand the importance of supporting the County Executive and his plans and goals for Wicomico County. Mark always presented himself professionally and approached his office with courtesy and and integrity. He will be missed.

    If I stilll lived in District 2, I would possibly have thrown my name in the hat. However, at 76, I may have been too old. LOL.
    Don Coffin

  6. Anonymous said...
    District 2 is huge, taking up much of the county west of Route 13, all the way to the bay, north to Delmar, south to the Somerset County line.

    May 3, 2019 at 3:28 AM

    You better look at another map.

  7. Anonymous said...
    He was a fn RINO.

    May 2, 2019 at 7:13 PM

    Also known as a Libertarian.


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