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Sunday, May 05, 2019

BREAKING NEWS: Attorney General Bill Barr REFUSES to testify to Democratic-controlled House Judiciary Committee on Thursday

Attorney General William Barr will refuse to attend the House Judiciary Committee Thursday to be questioned on the Mueller report in a dramatic escalation of tensions between the Trump administration and Democrats.

Barr was expected to write a letter Wednesday evening telling committee chairman Jerrold Nadler that he will not attend, objecting to being told that he will be questioned by the committee's Democratic majority's attorneys.

The attorney general will only agree to be questioned by lawmakers, he had already indicated.

Barr now faces a subpoena from Nadler, who has warned he will not hesitate to use the power to compel an appearance by Trump's top legal adviser.



  1. Democrats have an obstruction that's causing poop to flood their brain.

  2. They don't go ANYWHERE without their attorneys.

  3. F them and there OBAMA WITCH HUNT.

  4. the democrats demon Possessed luciferians swamp creatures are screaming bloody murder as their lies deception and traitorous behavior is being exposed for all to see. they should be arrested for being subversive domestic enemies.
    TRUMP is a shoe in for 2020

  5. We have already seen the Nadler is a POS hypocrite!

    I support the Atty Gen'l!

  6. Where were the Traitor Dems on bengazi ?? FN TRAITORs.

  7. Ready,,,,, aim,,, yeah fire

  8. It's time for the Trump haters to shut the F up. I'm dick of the Democrats. Time to earn their pay. Work for the people and let the best President we have had in a very very long time do his job. Enough

  9. It's over democrats

  10. Democrats always, always go to far. They never know when to stop.

  11. This is not for the purpose of investigating anything. It is to give the Democrat presidential field some camera time to ask loaded questions, twist Bill Barr's words and keep kicking the dead collusion horse.

  12. Keep on keeping on Democrats. Everyday with your actions you insure Trump another 4 years🙌🏻

  13. In the grown up world we call that contempt of congress.

    1. 12:41 really? You sure you’re in the grown up world? You do know Barr volunteered to testify. Kinda hard to charge someone with contempt of court when they volunteered to testify. But you keep on being you. Twisting that shit just like the good democrat you are.

  14. Trump FINALLY got a defender of the constitution and the rule of law on his team. Barr is making those swamp creatures in congress look like amateurs.

  15. Northwest Woodsman: After a quick review of reader comments, it is apparent that a Marxist democrat has infiltrated the blog. In my opinion, let him make his immature and silly rants because it exposes their (not “there” folks) political ignorance and naive views. Welcome aboard Lib!

  16. Congress is an equal part of our Government and entitled to make their requests. When we change to a dictator or King , that right of Congress remains as a part of the Constitution, you know , that one that has worked well for us over 200 years


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