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Thursday, May 02, 2019

Bossie: Biden must answer for the lies sold to the American people by Team Obama

“Sleepy” Joe Biden is counting on his eight years as President Obama’s vice president to provide some sort of nostalgic boost for his third run for the White House in the past 32 years.

But “the problem with nostalgia” – to quote former Sen. John Edwards as he described the presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton in 2007 – “is what we tend to do is only remember what you like and you forget the parts you didn’t like.”

The disgraced former Democrat senator from North Carolina was, of course, referring to the scandal-plagued administration of President Bill Clinton, which paved the way for the launch of seven independent counsel investigations by then-Attorney General Janet Reno.

The same thing holds true for Biden. Once you get past the warm and fuzzy nostalgia for Biden – the elder career politician chosen by the youthful Barack Obama as his running mate – reality slaps you right in the face.

The first thing you might remember about Biden’s record as Obama’s vice president is his description of the signing into law of ObamaCare as a “big f------ deal.”


1 comment:

  1. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 2, 2019 at 8:05 PM

    When was the last time Sleepy Joe Biden actually told the truth? When he was waving his hands with Obama and yelling "Bankrupt America, Yes we Can?


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