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Thursday, May 16, 2019

Blowhard Democrats Are Green Phonies

Listening to politicians expound on the imminent dangers of that neologism "climate change" you wonder if any of these people could even pass a high school physics test. Maybe Rand Paul — he's an ophthalmologist. He had to take some chemistry. But most of them?

Nevertheless, the Democratic Party at the moment seems to be in a knockdown, drag-out fight for who can be the greenest of the green and push us forward to a brave new world propelled exclusively by solar and wind energy. Only the strongest (i. e. most slavishly devoted to renewable energy at all costs) will survive.

Bernie and AOC are currently beating Joe Biden over the head about this. Poor Joe is frantically shoring up his "environmental" credentials.

If you don't have a dog in this fight, it's kind of funny, but the least these scientific illiterates might do is read a recent Forbes article (it doesn't take a Ph.D.): "The Reason Renewables Can't Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To." (I know, many of them don't care about "modern civilization," at least until they have to catch a plane. But hear me out.) Michael Shellenberger writes:



  1. they pushing the green deal so they can prop up a Company and funnel funds into it and back to the Democratic clowns. Remember Sylandra?

  2. Green Agenda is part of the Communist / Judea ideology. Destroy the “old world” in order to create the “new world”.

    Order out of Chaos - Freemasonry

  3. The Leftist greenies' agenda is nothing more than grand theft. Stealing from those who have worked hard for what they have only to be forced to give to those who can but will not work. The rich will simply take their money elsewhere. And with fewer children being born and baby boomers aging and dying, who do they think will pay for all the free stuff? Communist leaders will take over our country and they will end the green dream AOC and Bernie are babbling about.

    1. Take their money elsewhere? Like to the countries already investing in renewables. Let me ask you who makes more money, the person who invents and patents a new technology or the 5th person to copycat it? In case you still arent following, fossil fuels will run out. That is not up for debate. The country that stands the best chance of success is the one prepared for the future. You future proof your business, you guarantee success and stability.

    2. The idiots are still reproducing. I mean look at Alabama, the south sucks so much they have to FORCE people to be born there!

  4. Green deal is a elites dream come true to make the rich super rich.

  5. 9:57
    How many people do you know retire and move North? Yeah it doesn't happen. You move South because of lower taxes and then screw up the taxes there. Just like illegals. You screw things up and move on.


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